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[Academics] National Tsing Hua University Unveils Compound Semiconductor Lab

Posted by techman 
[Academics] National Tsing Hua University Unveils Compound Semiconductor Lab (Chinese Version)

CNA - Focus Taiwan (2011/11/21) National Tsing Hua University unveiled a new compound semiconductor laboratory Monday. The lab is expected to contribute to the development of new chip components that will support alternative green energy sources.

The lab represents the first project in Taiwan to fully integrate semiconductor component research, said Keh-yung CHENG, Dean of NTHU's College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, at the inauguration ceremony. CHENG said the lab will cover passive and active component development from the epitaxy process (which creates crystals for many base semiconductor materials) to chip component manufacturing and testing.

The lab, a collaboration between the university's Center For Nanotechnology, Materials Science, and Microsystems and the Institute of Electronics Engineering, aims at developing components that will generate green energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Among the components targeted are high-brightness LEDs and high-power, high-voltage transistors, which CHENG described as the keys to developing next-generation lighting systems, electric cars and communications equipment. CHENG also hoped the lab would create an excellent research environment that brings out student's innovative potential.

CNA - Focus Taiwan 2011/11/21

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2011 11:52PM by techman.