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[Ethnology] Academia Sinica's Insititue of Ethnology holds Ceremony and Symposium in Appreciation of Chih-Wan Liu, Pioneering Scholar of Taiwan Folklore and Taoism

Posted by techman 
[Ethnology] Academia Sinica's Insititue of Ethnology holds Ceremony and Symposium in Appreciation of Chih-Wan Liu, Pioneering Scholar of Taiwan Folklore and Taoism (Chinese Version)

Academia Sinica Newsletter (2011/06/27) On June 27 the Institute of Ethnology held an appreciation ceremony and symposium in honor of Dr. Chih-Wan LIU, pioneer scholar in Taiwan folklore and Taoism. Dr. LIU received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Institute and took part in a symposium along with younger anthropologists.

Since May 16, the Institute of Ethnology has been hosting an exhibition entitled "Roots and Inheritance: Dr. Chih-Wan Liu's artifacts and book donations". The exhibits, which are valuable cultural relics and documents of Taoism and early folk beliefs in Taiwan, were donated by the eighty-eight year old scholar Dr. LIU. Dr. LIU has published papers and books in Chinese and Japanese, on his pioneering studies of Taiwan folk beliefs for almost half a century. He is the author of Great Propitiatory Rites of Petition for Beneficence at Sungshan, Taipei, Taiwan, Essays on Chinese Folk Belief and Folk Cults, and many other books that are related to folk beliefs and Taoism rituals which have had a great impact on both the scholars in Taiwan and Japan. Dr. LIU was appointed to the Institute of Ethnology in 1964, and subsequently held various positions at the Institute. Folk beliefs were not heavily studied in the early years, but later grew in popularity and the research continues to flourish today.

Dr. LIU donated a total of 1,217 artifacts, 2,090 books and 1,014 periodicals to the exhibition. The exhibition reflects the journey of Dr. LIU and the Institute of Ethnology in the study of folk beliefs. The exhibition was organized by Associate Research Fellows Chuen-rong YEH and Jen-chieh TING, and Research Fellow Hsun CHANG all from Institute of Ethnology. The organizers selected cultural relics, books, field work photos, and video interviews that comprehensively reflect Dr. LIU's lifelong research efforts. The exhibition is full of reminders of everyday life and also demonstrates the arduous research methods of the early years. Some of the highlights are a bamboo basket that is used for organizing Taoism instruments, a guan sha ting (a wooden gate-shaped symbolic ornament) for religious exorcisms, and the lamp box for lightening paths for spirits. These three highly valuable artifacts are extremely rare having almost completely vanished from modern life. "Roots and Inheritance" will be held for eight months until January 31, 2012.

Agenda and Registration:
http://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/tool/museum/html/Visit.html (Chinese)

Media Contacts:
Chiung-Ying TSENG, Museum of Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
moorbear@gate.sinica.edu.tw (Tel) 886-2-2652-3308 (M) 886-928005077
Pearl HUANG, Office of Public Affairs, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica pearlhuang@gate.sinica.edu.tw (Tel) 886-2-2789-8821 (Fax) 886-2-2782-1551 (M) 0921-845-234

Further Information:
Academia Sinica Newsletter 2011/06/27

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2011 07:54AM by techman.