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[Sci-tech Policy][DRAM] New Minister of Economic Affairs Yen-Shiang SHIH: the Key to Dealing with TMC is Root the Technology

Posted by gustav 
[Sci-tech Policy][DRAM] New Minister of Economic Affairs Yen-Shiang SHIH: the Key to Dealing with TMC is Root the Technology (Chinese Version)

China Times E-paper, udn.com (2009/09/12) & BCC News (2009/09/14) To save Taiwan's DRAM industry, the government appointed Vice President of UMC Group, John HSUAN to incorporate Taiwan Memory Company (TMC) in the beginning of 2009. However, Minister of Economic Affairs has now been changed, and DRAM price has gone upwards higher than the cost so that the DRAM companies have rather favorable balance. Where TMC will go under such a circumstance becomes an issue. New Minister of Economic Affairs Yen-Shiang SHIH insists, the idea to make the technology take root in Taiwan has never been changed. But the expression is too open for interpretation. Not only the industry in Taiwan take serious concern about the further development; Elpida, Japan, is also concerned about the issue.

Yen-Shiang SHIH said on 11th-September that it was hard to say whether the TMC policy should be altered or not. He would listen to the report from Industrial Development Bureau next week and conceive the present situation and details about the execution of TMC policy. Until then, he could give no comment on the decision. Yet, he said, in principle, TMC will be dealt with with the basic idea of “root the technology.”

According to BCC, the process of TMC's integration and incorporation has gone very well. After Elpida and TMC both agreed on cross-shareholdings, TMC gained technology source as well as capital support, and hence many follow-up companies expressed their optimism to DRAM industry and intention to invest in TMC. Therefore, whether the government will change the mind about TMC and how deep the government will get involved, draw much industrial attention. Yet, according to the internal sources, before Ministry of Economic Affairs makes any public statement, nothing will be changed in the incorporation and integration of TMC.

Related History Message:
[Industrial][DRAM] TMC Incorporated! IDB: No Operational Plan Received Yet
[Industrial][DRAM] Elpida Quits PSC Board. Their Triangle Relations with TMC Draw Much Attention (2009/06/02)
[Industrial][DRAM] TMC Chief HSUAN: TMC Cannot Be Abolished(2009/05/17)
[Industrial] Japan's Government May Offer Capital to Elpida for Its Alignment with TMC, Says NHK (2009/04/26)
[Semi-conductor] [Sci-Tech Policy] Taiwan Government Conducts the Incorporation of “Taiwan Memory Company, TMC” (2009/03/08)

Further Information:
BCC News 2009/09/14 (Chinese)
China Times E-paper 2009/09/12 (Chinese)
Udn.com 2009/09/12 (Chinese)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2009 11:41AM by gustav.