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[Academics] NCKU, NCHU, NSYSU and CCU Form “Comprehensive University System of Taiwan”

Posted by techman 
[Academics] NCKU, NCHU, NSYSU and CCU Form “Comprehensive University System of Taiwan” (Chinese Version)

CNA (2011/10/08) & China Times E-paper (2011/10/09) High-level representatives of four universities including National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), National Sun Yet-Sen University (NSYSU) and National Chung Cheng University (CCU) gathered in NCKU on October 8 and announced together the development plan of the Comprehensive University System of Taiwan . The alliance aims at accelerating Taiwan's higher education.

The presidents, vice-presidents and high-level officials from NCKU, NCHU, NSYSU and CCU gathered in a conference hosted by NCKU president Hwung-Hweng HWUNG in NCKU campus. The meeting reached the conclusions in the organization of the system, the goals of development and the roadmap of development. In the near future, the President-General of the system will be selected, while a Consultative Council will be established as well.

Hwung-Hweng HWUNG said, the system aims at leading the regional development from now on till 2013, achieving the university autonomy and establishing international study programs by 2015, and becoming globally top universities by 2020.

NCKU Plans to contribute one hundred million NT dollars, and each of the rest four universities will contribute 50 million NT dollars, to form the fund integrating the four universities. The President-General will be in charge of the allocation of the fund as well as raising additional fund from the government.

Further Information:
CNA 2011/10/08 (Chinese)
China Times E-paper 2011/10/09 (Chinese)

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2011 05:12PM by techman.