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[Sci-tech Policy] President Ma Instructs to Accelerate Promotion of Digital Convergence

Posted by techman 
[Sci-tech Policy] President Ma Instructs to Accelerate Promotion of Digital Convergence (Chinese Version)

CNA (2010/12/07) President Ying-jeou MA directs to accelerate the advancement of Digital Convergence Development Act. President MA points out, the digital convergence development in Taiwan is falling behind many countries including China, and if we do not accelerate the development, Taiwan may lose the competitiveness.

Chairman of the KMT’s Culture and Communications Committee Jun-bin SU repeats President MA's discourse during the KMT's Zhungshan Meeting that the development of digital convergence in Taiwan falls behind many countries including Chia; in fact, Taiwan is the major provider and manufacturer of the relevant advanced technologies in the globe, but Taiwan enjoys so little of the industry. President MA points out, equipment for high definition TV programs has been available in Hong Kong now and very soon in China as well, which will make a great profitable opportunity. If Taiwan does not invest in this industry, in the future, Taiwan can only receive the inputs and let the television and cultural industries in Taiwan lose the competitiveness.

Jun-bin SU points out, according to the report of the Executive Yuan, the coverage rate of the digital convergence users is expected to reach 50 % in 2015, the related legislative reformation will be passed in the Legislative Yuan in 2014, while the regulation environment for the reformation of the three radiocommunications acts (including Cable Radio and Television Act, Radio and Television Act and Satellite Broadcasting Act) and Telecommunications Act in 2012.

Further Information:
CNA 2010/12/07 (Chinese)
NCCWatch: Digital Convergence (Chinese)

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2010 12:29AM by techman.