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[Report of Honor] Academia Sinica President Wong Awarded Life-Long EMBO Membership For Advances in the Life Sciences

Posted by techman 
[Report of Honor] Academia Sinica President Wong Awarded Life-Long EMBO Membership For Advances in the Life Sciences (Chinese Version)

Academia Sinica Newsletter (2010/11/19) The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) announced October 27, 2010, that the organization has awarded Academia Sinica President Chi-Huey WONG life-long associate membership for “outstanding research contributions”. President WONG was among 63 life scientists from 14 countries to receive the award this year. An award ceremony will be held in Heidelberg, Germany in 2011.

Each year, the EMBO membership nominates and elects new members based on scientific excellence. President WONG joins almost 1500 of the world’s leading molecular biologists, who are life-time members of EMBO. President WONG said he hopes his membership “will strengthen the academic exchange between Taiwan and Europe in the field of molecular biology”. More than half of the EMBO Members contribute by serving on advisory editorial boards of the organization's four scientific journals, mentoring young researchers, providing expertise to EMBO programs and taking the lead on new initiatives. Members also nominate candidates for the annual EMBO Gold Medal award.

Forty-nine of the new EMBO members this year work in countries across Europe, and are thus granted full-membership to EMBO; a further fourteen work in the United States, Japan and Taiwan and thus become EMBO Associate Members. Among EMBO’s approximately 100 Associate Members, only a handful represent Asia. Dr. WONG is the first EMBO member to be based in Taiwan. The other two Asia-based scientists elected this year are Shinya YAMANAKA from Kyoto University and Shizuo AKIRA from Osaka University.

Dr. WONG is a prominent chemist. He is globally recognized for his pioneering work on the development of chemical and enzymatic methods enabling elucidation of carbohydrate-mediated biological recognition processes, particularly demonstrating their significance in drug discovery. Dr. WONG was elected an Academia Sinica Academician in 1994, and became President of Academia Sinica in 2006. He is a Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1996), a member of the US National Academy of Sciences (2002), a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2005) and a member of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS, 2007).

A full list of the newly elected EMBO Members and Associate Members can be found at: http://www.embo.org/news/embo-recognizes-63-researchers-for-advances-in-life-sciences.html

Media Contacts:
Fang-Hsun YEH, Office of Public Affairs, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica (Tel) +886-2-2789-8820, (Fax) +886-2-2782-1551, (M) 0922-036-691
E-mail: hongsum@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Mei-Hui LIN, Office of Public Affairs, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica (Tel) +886-2-2789-8821, (Fax) +886-2-2782-1551, (M) 0921-845-234
E-mail: mhlin313@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Academia Sinica Newsletter 2010/11/19

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2010 11:03AM by techman.