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[Academic Activity][Genetic Engineering] Professor Stanley N. Cohen, Inventor of Genetic Engineering, to Lecture at Academia Sinica

Posted by techman 
[Academic Activity][Genetic Engineering] Professor Stanley N. Cohen, Inventor of Genetic Engineering, to Lecture at Academia Sinica (Chinese Version)

Academia Sinica Newsletter (2010/10/05) Dr. Stanley N. COHEN, Professor of Genetics and Medicine at Stanford University, will give a lecture at Academia Sinica on October 12, 2010. During his lecture entitled “Being a scientist: A personal history of the invention of recombinant DNA and the start of biotech”, Professor COHEN will relate the personal story of how his investigations of the role of plasmids (small DNA circles) in bacterial antibiotic resistance led to one of the great scientific discoveries of our time, a world-wide controversy about the safety of genetic engineering, and the birth of the biotechnology industry.

Professor COHEN is most well-known for the invention, along with Dr. Herbert W. BOYER, of the first recombinant DNA methodology that allowed genes to be transplanted and cloned among different biological species. This DNA cloning technique, now a cornerstone of modern biological science, revolutionized the field by opening up a pathway to the understanding of the structure and function of genes at the molecular level, both in health and disease. It gave rise to genetic engineering and led to the growth of the entire biotech industry. He and Boyer are named as the inventors on Stanford’s patents underlying recombinant DNA. Professor COHEN’s research, including the landmark DNA cloning methods, as well as his biotech patents and advisory roles, have made him one of founding fathers of the biotechnology industry.

Professor COHEN has a long history of association with Taiwan. He holds the Kwoh-ting Li professorship in the School of Medicine at Stanford, which was one of four professorships endowed in Professor LI’s honor by Stanford alumni from Taiwan. He also formerly chaired a Stanford faculty committee established to further academic relationships between Taiwan and Stanford and hosted and planned scientific exchanges between U.S. and Taiwan scientists. In addition, he has served as a scientific advisor to the Academia Sinica’s Institute of Molecular Biology on numerous occasions.

During his visit to Taiwan, Professor COHEN will also deliver another lecture, entitled “Exploitation of host genes by pathogenic microbes: new solutions to an old problem”, at the College of Medicine at National Taiwan University on October 13, 2010.

Event: Academia Sinica Special Lecture by Professor Stanley N. COHEN
Title: Being a scientist: A personal history of the invention of recombinant
DNA and the start of biotech
Time: 15:30 – 17:00
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Venue: Center of Academic Activities, Academia Sinica,
No.128, Sec.2, Academia Road, Nangang District, Taipei City
Sponsor: Friends of Stanford University Foundation
Speaker: Professor Stanley N. COHEN, School of Medicine, Stanford University
Moderator: Dr. Chi-Huey WONG, President, Academia Sinica

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Media Contacts:
Melody YU, International Affairs Office, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica
(Tel) +886-2-2789-9275, (Fax) +886-2-2783-4496
E-mail: melodyyu@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Fang-Hsun YEH, Public Affairs Office, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica
(Tel) +886-2-2789-8820, (Fax) +886-2-2782-1551, (M) 0922-036-691
E-mail: hongsum@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Mei-Hui LIN, Public Affairs Office, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica
(Tel) +886-2-2789-8821, (Fax) +886-2-2782-1551, (M) 0921-845-234
E-mail: mhlin313@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Further Information:
Academia Sinica Newsletter 2010/10/05

National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2010 09:18PM by techman.