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[Astronomy] Asteroid Kaohsiung, the First Asteroid Discovered by Amateur Astronomer in Taiwan

Posted by gustav 
[Astronomy] Asteroid Kaohsiung, the First Asteroid Discovered by Amateur Astronomer in Taiwan (Chinese Version)

BCC & udn.com (2009/10/19) The “Sky Survey Team” (trans. temp.) formed of the amateur astronomer in Kaohsiung Yuan-sheng TSAI et al, discovered a newly observed asteroid with National Central University's Lulin Observatory in April 2009; they entitled the asteroid “Kaohsiung.” In August, Committee on Small Body Nomenclature (CSBN), International Astronomical Union (IAU), had approved the nomenclature and given its permanent code 215080. This is the first asteroid whose discovery and nomenclature an amateur astronomer has taken part in, in Taiwan.。

Yuan-sheng TSAI and Director of Graduate Institute of Astronomy, NCU, Chorng-Yuan HWANG applied for the Star Search Project (trans. temp.) at NCU-Lulin Observatory together. The discovery of Asteroid Kaohsiung was one of the results of the project. On 20th-March, Star Search Group (trans. temp.) in which Yuan-sheng TSAI took part, and Observational Assistant of Lulin Observatory Chi-sheng LIN found the new body with Lulin Observatory's 40cm-bore telescope and digital video equipment. In order to honor his hometown and to make a remark on Kaohsiung World Games 2009, Yuan-sheng TSAI named the first asteroid among his 13 discoveries, which had gained IAU CSBN's permanent code, “Kaohsiung,” sharing the honor with every citizen in Kaohsiung.

Related History Messages:
[Astronomy] Lulin Observatory Names the Newly Observed Asteroid “Yushan” 2009/07/14
[Astronomy] Comet Lulin Is Approaching Earth 2009/01/06
[Astronomy] Tsou Begins to Shine in the Air from the Midst of This Month 2009/01/03

Further Information:
Lulin Observatory
BCC News 2009/10/19 (Chinese)
Udn.com 2009/10/19 (Chinese)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2009 10:28PM by gustav.