[Information] Free Wireless Network on Taipei Streets about to Be Provided (
Chinese Version)
PTS News (2011/01/14) Taipei City Government announced, soonest in April people will be able to enjoy free wireless internet service in Taipei public areas. The service is not exclusive for Taipei citizens; even the foreign travelers can enjoy the service.
Now the free wireless network service is not provided in every public spot in Taipei. Although at some spots such as city hall, district offices, Taipei Flora Expo parks, etc., people can use free wireless internet, the access will be timed out after thirty minutes, and before the access people have to fill in plenty of personal information. However, the city government planned to offer free untimed wireless network for anonymous personal mobile internet devices such as mobile phones and laptops from this April on. The government estimated a demand at 600,000 users per month.
The present free wireless network service is available in the city hospitals, libraries, MRT, and the 12 district offices. After April, the streets and the parks will be included in the list. Yet, the internet speed will be set as the commonly seen ADSL speed, not particularly sufficing the large bandwidth demanded uses such as watching movies or downloading video/audio files.
PTS News 2011/01/14 (Chinese)
National Science Council International Cooperation Sci-Tech Newsbrief
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2011 11:12PM by techman.