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Re: 看了正負二度C之後~我們可以做的事


分類標籤: 環保生態
看完正負二度C 最新一期天下雜誌"消失的生命之河" 還有TVBS有關台灣水資源流失的報導之後 我決定寫一封信給政府
我知道總統不會親自看 我知道我只會得到一個很官方的回應
身為一個公民 也許我不能以一己之力來動搖政府對於節能減碳要不要認真看待
但是我若什麼都不做 什麼都不出聲 我會更氣自己
把我們的意見一個個傳達出去 積沙成塔 一封兩封到上萬封 逼政府來正視這個問題
希望大家可以以一個公民的立場 建議政府採取相關應對措施
把預算放在值得的地方 不要再整天吵鬧要選票 作一些表面應付的工程
不管是誰執政 都希望這個國家能平安度過未來....

以下是我的老師要求我試著用英文寫給總統的信 希望可以拋磚引玉 讓大家一起來以公民的立場督促政府制定相關法規 帶領我們遠離災害

Dear President Ma:

Thank you for reading this e-mail. As a citizen, I strongly recommend you start to do something to save our homeland, Taiwan, or we will not be able to see it in 10 years. According to the documentary ±2℃ and Common Wealth Magazine , Taiwan is at extremely high risk of being the first victim of global warming. If the temperature raises 1 ℃, the precipitation in Taiwan will increase up to five times. We all learned a hard lesson from typhoon Morakot and the tragedy resulted from the weak geological structure and unpredictable rainstorm. The experts believe there will be similar disasters in these years if we still do nothing. The power of a government should be used to keep its people away from damage of extreme climate change, which is caused by green house effect. Policies of saving energy and decreasing CO2 emission should be regulated immediately.
First, regulations about encouraging the establishment of green factories should immediately become effective. According to Sisy’s World News, these companies can cut down their water and power usage by 40% and that will lead them to a lower cost of operation. Furthermore, the technology of smart grid and cloud computing should be taken into our power system. In this way, we can improve the efficiency of generating electric power and avoid wasting 30% power during transmission.

Besides, soil reservation requires your immediate attention. The stratums in Taiwan are fragile and have been overly cultivated for many years. Therefore, laws forbidding buildings, fish farms, and deforestation in reservation regions should be set without delay. Then, water conservancy was not the main issue concerned by the government before, but I suggest you should reconsider this problem seriously. In terms of TVBS news, up to 30% of water is gone because of the outdated water transportation system .Spending money on the expensive and risky work like drawing water from another region is much less practical than just using new tubes in a city.

In conclusion, Taiwan is facing a hard challenge now. The government has to be more deliberate and more practical about carrying out green-related policies. If you do not wish to be regarded as a sinner, starting to do the right thing is the only choice.

Re: 看了正負二度C之後~我們可以做的事

分類標籤: 環保生態
Dear 同學:




Re: 看了正負二度C之後~我們可以做的事

分類標籤: 環保生態
這樣我的磚才有引到玉啊~不然政府單位收到內容一樣的信不知會不會認真看待.....唉confused smiley

Ps~我不是國中生....已經比國中生大很多了...居然會被誤認為國中生表示英文程度有待加強 ><唉...