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Georges Dreyfus' talk on Dharmakirti's notion of intentionality at the Mind & Reality conference

Reference: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7639004123423742612&hl=en

Phenomenal intentionality- directed by SatSanga, a spiritual gathering
Epistemology intentionality - directed by thinkers, a mental gathering

thus, a conference is a mental gathering, as he mentioned wherein
the layer that come across this two faculties above is what an intelligent one perceives as reality

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2009 09:10AM by mimizorro.

Wow... express more, please.

A Quick Introduction to Dharmakirti

分類標籤: 佛教知識論
A shorte note:

Dharmakīrti (法稱): 陳那 (Dignāga) 的再傳弟子,印度佛教唯識宗因明學大師,曾任那爛陀寺 (Nālandā) 住持,生活於公元七世紀中期。

Dharmakirti (ca. 7th century), was an Indian scholar and one of the Buddhist founders of Indian philosophical logic. He was one of the primary theorists of Buddhist atomism, according to which the only items considered to exist are momentary Buddhist atoms and states of consciousness.

Wikipedia link: 法稱 or Dharmakīrti

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2009 01:14AM by HP.

My notion of intentionality at Mind & Reality

分類標籤: 佛教知識論
My notion of intentionality at Mind & Reality -

Mind: 心智 = the intellect to process representation and sense-data (which feeds the perception)

心量 = pure mind-matter
( a sort of fine wave-patterns/particles that compose the reality, including re-shaping the intellect)

Reality: the way the subject relates to the universe (the total-given)

境界 = Stages of reality
神境界 = One reality that being embodied in the representation of "I"
佛境界 = One reality that manifests itself at all space-time fabrication, even beyond

intentionality = the will power of the divine ( one that realizes the Self, Self as a collective term)

Edited 9 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2009 07:35AM by mimizorro.

an evolving entity of its own

分類標籤: 佛教知識論
The way how the mind operates is more than reflecting upon of the nature of cognitive events - what those intellectuals cannot encompass here is the issue of sense-data. 'impression integrated into conceptual scheme" (knowledge, by his term) actually involves a great deal of how the subject process the sense-data. Besides conceptual schemes, which differs from culture to culture, there are other schemes that unfolds/rolls our scope of time and space.

Eastern mind faculties are difficult to be fully incorporated into western conceptual scheme (western knowledge tree),
because what really matters here is not only verbal-constructions, but experience, the subjective matter and the guru-power (what the bleep is that :-| )

Thus, mind would be better treated as an evolving entity of its own.

Edited 8 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2009 07:36AM by mimizorro.

Re: an evolving entity of its own

分類標籤: 佛教知識論
Who is "he" when you refer by " (knowledge, by his term) " ?

Re: an evolving entity of its own

分類標籤: 佛教知識論
The insufficiency of epistemology you talk about in the above response seems to be relevant to the new article by Mr. gustav, "Between the Indeterminable and the Determined ..." ... interesting issue!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2009 12:50AM by kenny.

Re: an evolving entity of its own

分類標籤: 佛教知識論