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新一輪氣候談判墨西哥登場 馬雅祭典發出原民之聲

新一輪氣候談判墨西哥登場 馬雅祭典發出原民之聲

分類標籤: 原住民
新一輪氣候談判墨西哥登場 馬雅祭典發出原民之聲

公約 | 全球變遷 | 原住民 | 國際新聞


聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約(UNFCCC)11月29日在墨西哥坎昆召開,全球原住民會議率先於27日登場,馬雅人舉辦了一場傳統祭典「日出之祭」(Sunrise Ceremony)來迎接各原民團體代表。

此項儀式由原住民團體及訴求氣候正義的民間論壇「Klima Forum 10」所主辦,地點就在坎昆近郊的森林公園營地內,主要在企求大地之母與太陽神(馬雅語為Sukum Keem)的祝福與性靈引導。全程以馬雅語進行,配合英語及西班牙語同步口譯,參加者不僅有來自墨西哥的NGO與原民團體代表,也包括世界各地前來參與氣候峰會的人士。

此項儀式由原住民團體及訴求氣候正義的民間論壇Klima Forum 10所主辦,地點就在坎昆近郊的森林公園營地內,目的在企求大地之母與太陽神(馬雅語為Sukum Keem)的祝福與性靈引導。

來自猶加敦半島圖倫部落(Tulum)的馬雅酋長馬宗(Gabriel Mazon)表示,「我們歡迎來自世界各角落的原住民。這場聯合國峰會的舉辦地點,正是馬雅人的家園。我們要把我們聲音、我們對此氣候會談的關切讓全世界知道。我們想保護自己的土地、森林、空氣與水。」




南美原住民代表馬馬尼 (Gabino Apata Mamani)與他的妻子,是波利維亞艾馬拉族(Aymara)長老。他們在現場發表了一份聲明,代表族人對氣候變遷的關切,以及對波國總統莫拉萊斯(Evo Morales)的鼓勵和支持。

來自「原住民環境網」(Indigenous Environmental Network) 的北美代表金牙(Tom Goldtooth)也前來會場,帶來「和平菸斗」與特別的祝禱,代表達科塔印地安人的獻禮。


※ 本文與台灣原住民傳統知識工作網(Taiwan Indigenous Knowledge Action Network,TIKAN)合作刊登。

Mayan leaders of Mexico welcome Indigenous delegates to UNFCCC in Traditional Sunrise Ceremony
Special Report for Indigenous Peoples Media Network
Nov. 27, 2010;In Cancun, Mexico; By Jason Pan
The indigenous peoples activities and parallel events for UNFCCC got started this weekend with a traditional Sunrise Ceremony by Mayan community leaders of Mexico earlier today (Nov. 27).

Conducting the traditional ritual in the Mayan language (with translation in Spanish and English), the ceremony involved indigenous delegates and NGO representatives from around Mexico, joined by people from many countries around the world, who are here in Cancun to participate at the UN Climate Change summit meeting.

The traditional ritual seek for blessing and spiritual guidance from Mother Earth and "Sukum Keem", the name for the Sun God in Mayan language. Organized by indigenous peoples groups and Klimafourm 10, the ceremony took place in a forest park campsite just outside of Cancun.

"We welcome the indigenous peoples from all corners of the world. This UN meeting is taking place in our Maya homeland. The World must hear our voice and our concerns at this meeting on Climate Change. We want to protect our land, our forest, the air and the water", said Gabriel Mazon, a Mayan leader from the Tulum community of the Yucatan Peninsula, representing the local indigenous CCDS CDI organization.

Mazon chanted Mayan prayers and blessed each of the participants with the burning of herb medicine, as they held hands together in forming a great circle to surround the sacred fire burning in the center.

Other Mayan spokespersons made reference to the ancient Mayan calendar, the long historic perspectives of his people and the cyclic nature of Time which brings about great changes, and the birth, destruction and re-birth of the world.

Also conducting the ceremony was Het'sua, a Mayan community leader from the Olmec state of Mexico. He said, "The Mayan people are the knowledge-keeper of Time. We have recorded the movement of the sun, the moon, and the stars. We understand the cyclic movement of the Universe, and our Earth is part of this Great Cycle."

Het'sua also told the participants that he can feel the strong positive energy of the Universe resonating at the event, because the local Mayans are receiving indigenous brothers and sisters from throughout Mexico, while a number of indigenous delegates have come a long way from Latin America, North America, Asia, and other parts of the world to gather for the alternative Peoples Climate Summit activities.

It is appropriate for the indigenous Mayan communities to host the event, as the UNFCCC is taking place in Cancun of the Yucatan Peninsula, which belongs to the traditional homeland of the Mayan people.

Representing the indigenous peoples of South America were the Aymara elders of Bolivia, Mr. Gabino Apata Mamani and his wife. They brought declaration and issue of concern on Climate Change from the Aymara people, and also the message of encouragement and support from Bolivian president Evo Morales.

Tom Goldtooth and his Indigenous Environmental Network represented the North American indigenous peoples at this event. Following the Mayan ritual, Goldtooth also took part in the ceremony by performing his Dakota people's tradition of offering of peace pipes and special prayer.

According to the indigenous delegates at the event, they are attending UNFCCC and also partaking in the parallel activities outside of the official venues, in order to make their presence felt at this UN Climate Change Summit Meet.

There are also a number of side events, workshops, and press conferences being organized to present their recommendations and advisory to negotiations inside the UNFCCC, as the indigenous communities are among the most severely affected by impacts of climate change, cutting down of the forest, and the effects of global warming.
