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分類標籤: 原住民
Remarks by the President at the White House Tribal Nations Conference
2011 / 01 / 02


Today, President Obama met with tribal leaders at the White House Tribal Nations Conference. The text below is his address to the audience and includes a statement of support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The president promised a full statement to follow.


And as you know, in April, we announced that we were reviewing our position on the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. And today I can announce that the United States is lending its support to this declaration.


The aspirations it affirms -- including the respect for the institutions and rich cultures of Native peoples -- are one we must always seek to fulfill. And we’re releasing a more detailed statement about U.S. support for the declaration and our ongoing work in Indian Country. But I want to be clear: What matters far more than words -- what matters far more than any resolution or declaration -– are actions to match those words. And that’s what this conference is about. That’s what this conference is about. That’s the standard I expect my administration to be held to.

這宏願宣稱: 包含尊重原住民的習俗與豐富的文化,是我們必須永遠追求去達成的目標。而我們也正在釋出更詳盡的聲明,關於美國支持此宣言的立場,和我們在印第安族群中正在進行的工作。但我要明確指出:比承諾更重要的事,--比一切決議或宣言都更重要的事,是實踐這些承諾的行動。這也是這個會議的意義。這是這個會議的意義,這是我期望我的政府所能堅持的標準。



