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[H1N1] 因應 H1N1 新型流感疫情加重,臺灣防疫機制總動員

[H1N1] 因應 H1N1 新型流感疫情加重,臺灣防疫機制總動員

據我國疾病管制局訊息,WHO 幹事長於台北時間4月30日凌晨決定,將 H1N1 流感疫情等級再次提升為第五級,因應此一變化,原訂5月1日召開之中央疫情指揮中心會議提前至4月30日中午舉行,擴大邀請各相關部會參加。據中央社報導,新流感中央疫情指揮中心第二次會議由衛生署長葉金川召開,行政院長劉兆玄也前往巡視,並裁示台灣有能力生產疫苗的廠商儘速量產,抗病毒藥劑也應提升存量。



據中央社報導,劉兆玄強調,防疫視同作戰,他對葉金川所率領的團隊快速有效因應、防堵疫情於境外,表示肯定。但由於疫情瞬息萬變,台灣隨時可能出現病例,劉兆玄提醒民眾千萬不可掉以輕心。 劉兆玄同時呼籲,目前台灣防疫物資充足,民眾無需搶購。廠商不可趁火打劫、囤積取利,也不可哄抬物價,否則政府一定依法究辦。劉兆玄請法務部、內政部、財政部、公平會、消保會等部會配合指揮中心辦理。



疾病管制局 H1N1新型流感訊息
中央社 2009/04/30
中央社 2009/04/30

[H1N1] Full Mobilization of Taiwan's Anti-Epidemic Mechanism in Response to the Intensifying H1N1 Influenza Status

According to the new notice released by Centers for Disease Control, President of WHO had decided to lift the H1N1 influenza status alert to Level 5 on the wee hours of 30th-Apr. In response to this change, the scheduled meeting of Central Command Anti-Epidemic Center was advanced one day earlier from the planned 1st-May to the noon of 30th-Apr., whose scale of recruitment among all the divisions of the government was broadened as well. As CNA reported, Minister of Department of Health Ching-Chuan YEH hosted this second Central Command Anti-Epidemic Center meeting, and the Premier Chao-shiuan LIU made his perambulation to the meeting, instructing that the vaccines manufacturers of competence in Taiwan should get ready for rapid mass production as soon as possible, and that the stock of antitoxin should be raised.

According to CNA, Chao-shiuan LIU has directed Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assist Department of Health with obtaining the maternal plant of vaccines from the advanced countries such as the US and the UK for the rapid mass production by the governmental or non-governmental parties. He also calls on the vaccines manufacturers of competence to mobilize their production systems immediately, whose qualified end items are promised to be purchased with good price by the government. As for the antitoxin, LIU as repeated by CNA, the antitoxin stock in Taiwan now is only enough for ten percent of the population, and, since a large scale of epidemics is unavoidable, we have to raise the stock right away. If the relevant productions require IP authorization and hence require compulsory execution, under LIU's command, the Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, is standing by.

Ching-Chuan YIE said, according to CNA, the anti-epidemic task now is to be carried out with five major strategies: offshore cut-off, borderline control, community prevention, heath-care system security, and individual and family self-protection. Yet, there's no perfect control, to which is added that the novel influenza is characterized that the influenza cannot be screened during the first day of its eight-day infectivity period; hence the endeavour at the borderline can only take in charge of seven-eighths chance to prevent the swine influ, the rest of which depends still on the citizens.

Chao-shiuan LIU stressed, ibid., “epidemic prevention is regarded as a war!” He was content with the instant response and the offshore prevention construction conducted by Ching-Chuan YEH's team. But because of the epidemic status's nontangibility and the very likely risk of having case report in Taiwan, LIU warned the people not to lower the guard. At the meanwhile, LIU exclaimed that the anti-epidemic materials and goods are sufficient, people thus not having to hoard, and he commanded if the merchants were caught as hoarding up goods or building up prices, they must be treated in accordance with the law. LIU thus urged Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Finance, Fair Trade Commission, Consumer Protection Commission etc. to operate in coordination with the Central Command Center.

Besides, ibid., Chao-shiuan LIU also asked Ministry of Finance to grant proper tariff reduction or exemption to the import of anti-epidemic necessities, and Ministry of Economic Affairs as well to coordinate the demands/supplies.

Correct information distribution is also a critical part. Chao-shiuan LIU also asked the Ministry of Health, Government Information Office and National Communications Commission to help with citizens' reception of the most instant and yet correct information.

Further Information:
Centers for Disease Contro H1N1 Reports
CNA News 2009/04/30 (Chinese)
CNA News 2009/04/30 (Chinese)