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[產業動態] 日本 NHK:日本政府可能資助與 TMC 結盟的爾必達

[產業動態] 日本 NHK:日本政府可能資助與 TMC 結盟的爾必達

日本 NHK 於四月十五日報導,日本政府正在考慮以資金挹注爾必達,但報導未提供詳細資訊來源以及深入的細節。不過,此消息甫出便受國際媒體注目。如Bloomberg法國路透社, 華爾街日報, Golem.de, 德國Cebit 新聞, 德國 Heise Online等等,且即刻轉播這則短訊。

報導指出,日本產經省商務情報政策局審議官十四日已向台灣官方表達將資助爾必達的意向。美國的幾個重要媒體從爾必達與 TMC 開始洽談結盟時便開始注意這方面的訊息,而歐洲的媒體也趁這一次日本官方因爾必達與 TMC 的結盟而有意資助的短訊,將整個合併案的背景與梗概完整介紹。TMC 與爾必達的合作串聯起好幾個國際級記憶體大廠,外加兩個政府的資金紓困,這樣特殊的一個情勢當然引起國際關注。

Elpida Newsroom (英文)
Bloomberg 2009/04/15 (英文)
The Wall Street Journal 2009/04/15 (英文)
Reuters France 2009/04/15 (法文)
Golem.de 2009/04/15 (德文)
Cebit Newsanzeige 2009/04/16 (德文)
Heise Online 2009/04/16 (德文)

[Industrial] Japan's Government May Offer Capital to Elpida for Its Alignment with TMC, Says NHK

Japan's government is considering providing funds to Elpida Memory Inc. to bolster its capital, NHK said on 15th-Apr., 2009, without providing an account or saying the source of the information. Yet, the news drew much attention of international media, such as Bloomberg, Reuters France, The Wall Street Journal, Golem.de, Cebit Newsanzeige, Heise Online, and so on, and got released immediately after NHK's.

Japan's trade ministry informed Taiwan's officials of the plan to provide financial support to Elpida on 14th-Apr., NHK said. Most of the media in the United States have been following Elpida's fusion with TMC since the beginning, while the media in Europe give detailed introduction of the whole story attached to the short information about Japan's government's financial support this time. The alignment of TMC and Eplida with two governments' interfering bailout indeed deserves such attention.

Futher Information:
Elpida Newsroom
The Wall Street Journal2009/04/15
Reuters France2009/04/15 (in French)
Golem.de2009/04/15 (in German)
Cebit Newsanzeige2009/04/16 (in German)
Heise Online2009/04/16 (in German)