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傳統賽局理論已對策略性互動中推理性思考有相當多的著墨。例如在著名的囚犯兩難賽局中,兩個囚犯依各自的理性推論都會作出招供的決策。這類運用凡人對理性的依歸,逐步演繹出雙方行動的賽局,是典型的推理型思考,亦稱之為「優勢可解賽局」(dominance-solvable games)。然而,2005年諾貝爾得主 Thomas SCHELLING指出,在某些策略互動中,雙方必須在缺乏溝通的前提下做出相同的選擇。而在此種賽局中,理性推理對於決策並無益助,而是得依直覺找出雙方關注的「焦點」(focal point),才有可能成功地做出相同的選擇。這類必須仰賴直覺的賽局,就被稱為「協調賽局」(coordination games)。在黃貞穎團隊的研究中,便以兩種賽局設計實驗,結合腦神經科學技術,成功找出兩種不同行為模式間心路歷程的差異。


經濟日報 2009/04/24
聯合新聞網 2009/04/24
自由時報 2009/04/24

[Neuro-Economics][Interdisciplinary] Neuro-Economical Findings in Taiwan Recognized Internationally

NTU Dept. of Economics presented on 24th-Apr., 2009, a report of an advanced economic study in Science. The study is conducted by a research team led by Associate Professor Chen-Ying HUANG, with participants from National Taiwan University and National Yang-Ming University. The team studies economic behaviors such as stock choosing with introducing the method of neurosciences, determining a new model of game theory about human “intuitive thinking,” the report of which is presented in Science April and makes the debut of Taiwan's newborn Neuro-Economics on international stage.

According to HUANG, people's stock choosing can be divided into two periods: in the first period when people analyze and digest all the materials about certain stocks they can reach, the activity is mainly led by rational inference and the process of determination is comparatively slow. In the second period when people has to select one stock from all the candidates, the determination is supposed to be made mainly by “intuition,” and the process is instant and emotion can be one important factor.

HUANG points out, the methodology distinguishes the research from the traditional game theory. With introducing the interdisciplinary elements , the methods of neuroscience, more effective proofs are provided to prove that intuition is not some ruleless processing but analyzable and resolvable. In the past, because intuition is not to be analyzed with mathematical methods, there is rare literature about the study of it. Now the present study provides a new method for the study of intuitive activity, which is believed to be an important basis for further researches.

Traditional game theory has explained the role of rational inference in strategic interactions. In the famous example of prisoner's dilemma, two prisons facing the situation and considering their own interest against the given limited condition, come to the determination, via inference step by step, of confession. This presents the typical rational inference, also called “dominance-solvable games.” However, in 2005, the Nobel Prize Winner Thomas SCHELLING points out that in some strategic interactions, where the both sides are lack of communication but having to make the same choice, they have to depend on intuition to reach the “focal point” in both sides' care so that they can succeed in making the same choice. Such kind of intuitive games are called “coordination games.” HUNANG's team uses both models and the technology of neuroscience to design experiments and finds the difference in the psychological processes between these two kinds of activities.

The co-author Professor Wen-Jui KUO, National Yang-Ming University, proves that the presumed theory in the study and the analysis result of magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral cortex are correspondent, showing that the rational inference and intuitive inference are correspondent to different active areas in the brain. When one is in his or her intuitive inference, the insula and anterior cingulated cortex are more active, and these areas are related with human social behaviors such as cooperation, trust, compassion and love; on the contrary, in rational inference, the active areas are parietal lobe and prefrontal.

Further Information:
NTU Spotlight Issue 88 (Chinese)
Economic Daily News 2009/04/24 (Chinese)
UDN.com News 2009/04/24 (Chinese)
Liberty Times 2009/04/24 (Chinese)