[人才培育] 數學人才培育計畫 臺大數學系成立丘成桐中學數學獎
數學科學在現今國際科技和人才競爭力方面,具有突出的重要地位,在與人類日常生活相關的科學技術中的應用也日趨廣泛。國際上很早就宣導應當及早培養學生的科學研究創新能力,並為此設立獎項吸引年輕學子參與。比如在美國,有小諾貝爾獎之稱的「英特爾科學獎」(Intel Science Talent Search,前身為西屋科學獎),不同於普通的數學競賽,該獎項注重創新與實踐。它促進了美國高中、大學生的科學研究熱情,許多獲獎者後來都成為著名的科學家。據統計,該比賽獎項得主中有五位後來成為諾貝爾科學獎獲得者,二十七人當選為美國科學院院士。
參賽資格:1. 現就讀高中職或以下之學生,以個人身份參賽。 2. 需有現任教高中職或以下之老師一人為指導老師。 參賽的數學作品可以是純粹的數學研究,也可以是數學應用在其他領域(如自然科學或金融等)的綜合研究。唯必須具有原創性,而非只是已知文獻之整理,並且不可在其它科學展覽或數學競賽中曾參賽獲獎。作品可以使用中文或英文書寫。參賽同學須於每年三月三十一日前於網路報名。五月三十一日前將參賽作品之完整pdf電子檔寄至臺灣大學數學系。
[Talent Cultivation] Taida Dept. of Mathematics Sets Mathematic Award
Mathematics holds its significant stand for contemporary international sci-tech as well as talent competition, and its applications scope in scientific technologies, especially which are highly related with our daily life, becomes extremely broadened. This has already been noticed early and several important awards are set to encourage young students joining mathematic research for it is believed that we should cultivate students' originality and research competence as early as possible. A good example is the so-called mini-Nobel Prize: Intel Science Talent Search (formerly, Westinghouse). The award is different from mathematic competition; its focus is originality and practice. The award is proved encouraging high school and college students in scientific research. According to the statistic data, five of the award winners have later become Nobel Prize winners, and twenty-seven of them are now the Academicians in American National Academies.
Affirmative to this philosophy, Taida plans to set mathematic award to dig and cultivate mathematic talent. The plan is mainly held by the dept. of Mathematics, with invited outstanding experts as reviewers, and the plan will be realized in the form “research program,” via which it is expected to stir up the scientific spirit of the youth. Academician Shing-Tung YAU (the present Chair Professor at Harvard) is a well-respected mathematician, and he is also the first Chinese mathematician winning a Fields Medal. In the past twenty years, his contribution and sincere care about Taiwan's mathematic development is obvious. His effort and achievement is the best exemplar for young mathematic researchers. Therefore the award is called Shing-Tung Yau Award.
Participation qualifications: 1. as a present individual student under senior high school; 2. an instruction teacher presently teaching in schools under senior high school is required. The participated mathematic projects can be pure mathematic research or mathematic applications such as in natural sciences or financial studies. Only it is restrictedly required that the project has to be original; a survey of the existed literatures is not acceptable. Besides, any awarded project is excluded. The project can be written in either Chinese or English. Participants have to register their application online before 31st-Mar. Every year, and submit the complete report in pdf before 31st-May to the dept. of Mathematics in Taida.
Contact Information:
Dept. of Mathematics, Taida:
Tel: (02)3366-9902

National Taiwan University Newsletter Issue 956
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2009 05:08PM by gustav.