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[網路資訊] WEF網路整備度指標 台灣今年小有進步

[網路資訊] WEF網路整備度指標 台灣今年小有進步

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[網路資訊] WEF網路整備度指標 台灣今年小有進步

根據世界經濟論壇(WEF)最新公布的2009年全球「網路整備度指標」(Networked Readiness Index;NRI)排名,台灣名列第13,較去年進步4名。丹麥、瑞典和美國分別位居這項排名的前3名。在亞洲主要對手國家或地區中,台灣只領先日本,輸給新加坡、南韓和香港。



中央社 2009/03/27

[Info-tech & Internet] Taiwan's WEF Networked Readiness Index Slightly Improved

According to the new-announced “2009 Networked Readiness Index, NRI, of World Economic Forum, WEF, Taiwan wins ranking number thirteen, four places higher than last year. Denmark, Sweden and the US occupy the first three places. Among Taiwan's main competitors in Asia, Taiwan is only ahead of Japan while after Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong.

NRI aims at evaluating the degree of development and application of information and communication technologies in a country or area, regarded as a significant indication for a country or area's info-tech competence. Taiwan wan ranking number seventeen last year, while thirteen in 2007, seven in 2006.

2009 Global NRI ranking number four to ten are the following: Singapore, Swiss, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Holland and Canada. South Korea and Hong Kong are ranked higher than Taiwan, respectively number eleven and twelve. Japan is ranked number seventeen. China gets improved a lot, ranking number forty-six, eleven places higher than last year's fifty-seven, ahead of Brazil (number fifty-nine), Russia (number seventy-four) and India (fifty-four).

CNA News 2009/03/27 (in Chinese)