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[社會科學] 43國社會學者齊聚台北 面對世界不平等 國際社會學會(ISA)舉行會員國會議

[社會科學] 43國社會學者齊聚台北 面對世界不平等 國際社會學會(ISA)舉行會員國會議


由中研院社會學研究所、臺灣社會學會以及國際社會學會(International Sociological Association, ISA)所共同舉辦的「直擊不平等、挑戰社會學:國際社會學會‧會員國學會代表研討會」("FACING AN UNEQUAL WORLD: CHALLENGES FOR SOCIOLOGY", The Conference of the Council of National Associations of the ISA, Taipei 2009),將自98年3月23日至25日於中研院人文社會科學館3樓國際會議廳舉行。會中共有43國50位社會學家齊聚台北,發表46篇論文。


本次大會由擔任國際社會學會(ISA)副會長及會員國學會代表大會主席的加州大學教授Michael Burawoy、大會臺灣籌備委員會共同規劃,臺灣社會學會及中央研究院社會所共同主辦,會中邀請ISA會長Michel Wieviorka、前副會長Sujata Patel發表專題演講,並邀請國際科學總會選任會長(elected president of the ICSU)李遠哲院士致開幕詞。





林美惠,中央研究院總辦事處公關室 mhlin313@gate.sinica.edu.tw

[Social Sciecne] Sociologists from 43 Countries Gather in Taipei to Tackle Academic Inequality in the Field of Sociology

Sociologists from 43 countries will gather in Taipei from 23rd-Mar. to 25th-Mar., 2009, to tackle the problem of academic inequality and unequal distribution of resources (journals, research funds and so on) between the sociologists in the industrialized and developing world.

The scholars will convene at the 2009 Conference of the Council of National Associations of the International Sociological Association (ISA) which is entitled "Facing an unequal world: challenges for sociology." The topic of the conference is borne out of ISA's long-term concern for building an "international sociology" and responds to the rising concerns of growing inequality.

The conference has been organized jointly by Academia Sinica's Institute of Sociology, the Taiwanese Sociological Association and the Council of National Associations of the ISA, and was initiated and planned by Prof. Michael Burawoy, ISA Vice President for Committee of National Associations of the ISA. It will take place at the International Conference Hall, in the Humanities and Social Sciences Building at Academia Sinica. Prof. Michel Wieviorka, the President of ISA, and Sujata Patal, former Vice President of ISA will give keynote addresses.

ISA is a non-profit association for scientific purposes in the field of sociology and social sciences. It was founded in 1949 under UNESCO and currently has members from 109 countries. The mission of the ISA is to "represent sociologists everywhere, regardless of their school of thought, scientific approaches or ideological opinion, and to advance sociological knowledge throughout the world."

The current conference is the second Conference of the Council of National Associations of the ISA. The first took place at Florida International University, Miami, USA in 2005.

Related website and conference program:

Reference: Academia Sinica Newsletter 2009/03/18

Media Contacts:
Ms. Ching-ting Kao, primrose@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica (Tel) 886-2-2652-5153
Ms. Mei-Hui Lin, mhlin313@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Public Relations Office, Central Office of Administration, Academia Sinica
(Tel) 886-2-2789-8821, (Fax) 886-2-2782-1551, (M) 0921-845-234

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2009 07:59AM by gustav.