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[資訊科技] 電子政府發展排行榜 台灣居全球第八

[資訊科技] 電子政府發展排行榜 台灣居全球第八

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[資訊科技] 電子政府發展排行榜 台灣居全球第八


台灣在「管理優化」(Management Optimization )項目表現最佳,排名全球第三,僅次於新加坡和德國;而國家入口網站(NationalPortal)和政府科技主管和組織(CIO in Government)的表現也不錯,都名列第10。

調查顯示,台灣在國家入口網站的介面功能與應用(Interface Function and Applications)和電子政府的推廣(e-GovPromotion)表現不佳,跌出前10名以外。



中央社 2009/03/06

[Info-Tech] Taiwan's E-government Development Wins Ranking No. 8 in the World
Waseda University in Japan presents its 2009 ranking report of e-government develpoment, in which Taiwan is observed improved than last year, elevated to No. 8 from last year's No. 9. Among the evaluation items, Taiwan's management optimization performs the best and ranks No. 3 in the world.

Waseda's investigation focuses on the development status of thirty-four econimic units in the world with respects of the internet penetration rate, interactionalbility, national portal, interface function and applications of national portal, promotion of e-government, management optimization, and CIO in government etc.

Taiwan performs the best in management optimization, ranked No.3 in the world, right after Singapore and Germany. In national portal and CIO in government Taiwan performs good, too, both ranked No. 10.

The investigation shows Taiwan's interface function and applications of the national portal and the e-gov promotion are not good, ranked out of No. 10.

Worth remarking, too, is Singapore's performance in average is ranked No.1 in the world, which is the first time an Asian country wins the championship. The U.S., champions for four years, is ranked No. 2, right ahead of Sweden, UK and Japan.

E-government is a conception that the government applies info-tech such as internet or mobile PC to provide governmental information and help people deal with official affairs via internet. It also symbolizes the down-put of the governmental power.

CNA News 2009/03/06 (in Chinese)