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[生態保育] 保育組織促農委會保護中華白海豚

[生態保育] 保育組織促農委會保護中華白海豚

分類標籤: 科技文摘
[Wildlife Conservation] Groups urge COA to protect at risk Chinese White Dolphins

Three conservation groups in Taiwan petitioned the Cabinet-level Council of Agriculture (COA) on 26th-Feb. to act to safeguard the critically endangered Chinese White Dolphin from becoming extinct in Taiwan waters.

Representatives of the Taiwan Academy of Ecology, Taiwan Sustainable Union, and Taiwan Environmental Protection Union visited the COA, asking for its concern about the ongoing depletion of the Chinese White Dolphin population in waters along the island's western coast. As the representatives repeated the report of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Chinese White Dolphins were rated in these areas as a “critically endangered” species, estimated less than 100 surviving now. The representatives called for the COA to closely monitor the habitat of the dolphins.

In response, COA officials said the council has listed the Chinese White Dolphins as a “critically endangered” species, and will soon set up an ad hoc panel to work out effective conservation measures.

China Post 2009/02/27

[生態保育] 保育組織促農委會保護中華白海豚


台灣生態學會、台灣永續聯盟以及台灣環境保護聯盟三個團體的代表拜訪農委會,要求農委會重視台灣西部海域的中華白海豚數量持續減少的問題。據稱,中華白海豚被世界自然保護聯盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN)列為極度瀕危物種,目前估計該海域數量不到一百隻。團體代表呼籲農委會應該嚴密監控鯨豚的棲地海域。


英文中國郵報 2009/02/27 (英文)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2009 11:59PM by gustav.