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[產業動態] 臺大與西門子攜手打造臺灣成為醫療器材創新研發重鎮

[產業動態] 臺大與西門子攜手打造臺灣成為醫療器材創新研發重鎮

臺灣大學與西門子公司於2009年1月22日上午進行PLM產品生命週期管理軟體系統捐贈簽約儀式。「Siemens PLM Software GO PLM 」軟體捐贈專案計畫,將用於協助臺灣大學成立「醫療器材跨領域教學研發中心」,針對醫療器材的協同設計、快速製造、流程管理與文件管理等軟硬體設備提供教學與訓練課程,並配合內建符合美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)聯邦法規(21CFR part 11 and 21CFR part 820)之加速器模板「Teamcenter for Medical Devices」,對於國內在高階醫療器材的創新研發與上市審查工作,以及在人才培育的落實與產業銜接的推動,提供了所實用的實務工具平台。


[Industrial] Taida and Siemens Collaborate in Making Taiwan An Innovative R & D Center for Medical Instrumentation

National Taiwan University and Siemens signed a donation contract on 22nd-Jan., 2009. The“ Siemens PLM Software GO PLM” donation project with Taida aims at facilitating Taida's Cross-Field Teaching and R & D Center for Medical Instrumentation (tran. Temp.), providing the soft-hardware for teaching and training courses with the perspectives of the design collaboration, rapid manufacturing, process management and document management. Besides, with the aid of the accelerated plate “Teamcenter for Medical Devices” embedded with FDA regulations (21CFR part and 21CFR part 820), the project will also provide a useful platform for medical-instrumentation innovative R & D, DOP reviewing, talents resources formation and its connection with the industries.

Further Information:
National Taiwan University Newsletter Issue 950 (in Chinese)
EE Times Taiwan 2009/02/04 (in Chinese)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2009 09:58AM by gustav.