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[生物科技] 台灣研發乳鐵蛋白鉻奶粉 造福新陳代謝症候群患者

台灣研發乳鐵蛋白鉻奶粉 造福新陳代謝症候群患者


2006年10月底中興大學獸醫系系主任毛嘉洪已成功研發「六效合一」的超級複合物「乳鐵蛋白鉻」,經人體實驗證明,同時可調節高血糖、胰島素、血脂肪、低密度膽固醇、瘦體蛋白、發炎因子,可以造福新陳代謝症患者。進日毛嘉洪又在《糖尿病、肥胖、新陳代謝 (Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism)》發表最新實驗成果。該實驗以糖尿病基因改造小鼠進行動物實驗,發現乳鐵蛋白鉻釋放出的三價鉻離子,有如胰島素強波器,能放大骨骼肌肉中的胰島素訊號,使血液中的葡萄糖能較快地由細胞吸收,使血糖濃度下降,改善代謝功能;此外,也發現鉻能抑制某些發炎因子,防止胰島素功能被破壞。


1. 中興大學獸醫學院
2. 自由時報 2009/01/07
3. 大紀元新聞網 2008/10/25

Taiwan Identifies the Mechanism How Locally Invented Chromium Lactoferrin Alleviating Metabolic Syndrome

Locally invented Chromium Lactoferrin Complex has been proved via human subject research to perform effective alleviation of metabolic syndrome. Recently a follow-up research has identified the mechanism, finding that trace metal Cr can increase the signal power of insulin in cells of the diabetic patients and adjust the concentration of blood sugar.

In October, 2006, the Chair of the Department of Veterinary Medicine (National Chung Hsing University, Taichung) Frank Chiahung Mao had invented the complex Chromium Lactoferrin which can adjust the blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol, LDL, leptin, and inflammatory factor in blood. His recent research, presented in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, demonstrates the mechanism via experiments on obese diabetic mice, finding that the trivalent chromium released from chromium lactoferrin performs like signal booster, strengthening the insulin signal in bones and muscles so that the dextrose in blood can be aggressively absorbed by cells lowering the concentration of blood sugar and alleviating metabolic syndrome. Besides, Cr is found to be able to subdue some of the inflammatory factors preventing the insulin capacity from damage.

However, the expectation of the clinical performance needs further investigation. According to Dr. Dee Pei, former metabolic attending physician of Tri-service General Hospital and the present attending physician of Cardinal Tien Hospital, who had also participated the invention, the complex is more effective on the severe diabetic (glycosylated hemoglobin over 8.5%) than on the mild diabetic. Also the complex is not a replacement for medicine; patients should consult the doctors before using it.

Further Information:
1. College of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing University
2. Liberty Times 2009/01/07
3. Epoch Times 2008/10/25
4. Professor Mao's Personal Homepage

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/2009 01:33AM by mepoadm.