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[資傳產業] CARE啟動 特教接軌國際

[資傳產業] CARE啟動 特教接軌國際

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[資傳產業] CARE啟動 特教接軌國際

台灣微軟、MSI微星科技及國立台灣師範大學,日前正式啟動 CARE (Computer Accessibility Resource for Educators),提升教師應用資訊傳播科技知能於特殊需求學生的研發計畫。

台灣微軟引進與日本東京大學合作製作的《ICT協助工具手冊》,結合國立台灣師範大學特殊教育中心專業師資以及微星科技捐贈的訓練用電腦,共同編譯《CARE電腦手冊》,並舉辦 CARE種子教師訓練、全台一系列10場針對一般教師的推廣課程,希望透過資訊傳播工具(ICT工具),讓特教老師在教學過程中更順利,也讓更多有特殊需求的學生與他們的家人能更有效率的學習與運用科技。


中時電子報 2009/03/25

[ICT Industry] CARE Starts, New Milestone of Taiwan's Special Education

Microsoft Taiwan, MSI and National Taiwan Normal University start CARE (Computer Accessibility Resource for Educators) in the past few days, aiming at cultivating educators' competence of information and communication technologies particularly for the special education.

Microsoft Taiwan introduces the ICT Induction Manual, edited by Microsoft and Tokyo University, to, and associates with, the Special Education Center at National Taiwan Normal University to translate and edit CARE Computer Manual in order to equip the special educators for applying ICT instruments in teaching as well as for inducing the special education students and their family to learn and use technologies. Seed teachers' training and serial promotion lectures are to be held. MSI supports the program by providing hardware such as laptops for training teachers.

Microsoft Taiwan's GM Davis Tsai said, Microsoft's software is designed originally with including the concern for special needs, but this information is not well distributed so that most of people have no idea how to use it, or even about it at all. The products such as Windows system, their office software and Internet browser can actually meet the special needs. He wishes, with such an industrial-academic cooperation, more teachers know about this so that the relevant techniques and knowledge could be passed around to more and more teachers and students.

China Times E-paper 2009/03/25 (in Chinese)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2009 10:23PM by gustav.