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_1743 作者 Views 發表時間

[Medicine] NTU's Significant Breakthrough in Anti-cancer Drugs Published in 《Science》

techman 2,067 07/26/2011 02:06AM

[Astronomy] Taiwan's Largest Telescope to Be Completed in 2016: National Central University

techman 3,227 07/20/2011 08:26AM

[Economics] Taiwan Economy to Sustain a Healthy Expansion in 2011: Academia Sinica

techman 1,811 07/20/2011 07:57AM

[International Cooperation][BioDiversity] Scientists Prove Soft Corals are Also Reef Builders, Bring into Question Conventional Understanding of Reef Corals

techman 1,003 07/17/2011 11:53AM

Louis Vuitton Knockoffs Most Favored in Korea

mememe 1,254 07/14/2011 09:57AM

[International Cooperation] NSC Delegation to Germany Promotes Further Cooperation on Science

techman 814 07/14/2011 09:57AM

[Design] 《IJD》 Enhances Taiwan's Research Capacity in Design

techman 3,700 07/07/2011 10:33AM

[International Cooperation] Taiwan Signs MOU on Sci-tech Cooperation with Central European Group

techman 608 07/05/2011 02:33PM

[Report of Honor] NCKU Professor Hong-Sen Yan Becomes the First Chinese Conferred the IFToMM Honorary Membership

techman 1,314 07/05/2011 08:48AM

[Information] Taipei Inaugurates the City Free Wi-Fi Service

techman 3,453 07/03/2011 05:46PM

[Academia-Industrial Cooperation][Cloud Computing] NTU Teams Up with Delta Electronics to Build the First Comprehensive Cloud Computing Environment in Taiwan's Academia

techman 863 07/01/2011 09:26PM

[Biotech] Overseas Taiwan Scholar to Help Set Up Biotech Center: GIO

techman 976 07/01/2011 08:25AM

[Ethnology] Academia Sinica's Insititue of Ethnology holds Ceremony and Symposium in Appreciation of Chih-Wan Liu, Pioneering Scholar of Taiwan Folklore and Taoism

techman 1,099 07/01/2011 07:47AM

[International Participation][Buddhica] The IABS XVIth Congress Held in Dharma Drum Mountain, Collecting More than 600 International Buddhist Scholars

techman 854 06/27/2011 11:09AM

[Academia] Shanghai Jiao-tong University Released Academic Ranking of Chinese Universities—the Tsing Hua University of Beijing and National Taiwan University Tied for First Place

techman 1,032 06/27/2011 10:23AM