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beats by dre earphones

meppola 506 03/05/2012 02:32PM

[Aerospace] NCKU Turbo-jet Robot Aircraft Sky Fortress-III to Make Its Debut

techman 754 03/04/2012 09:06PM

[Academics] Academia Sinica Lecture Series Nobel Laureate Dr. Ada E. Yonath to Lecture in Taipei

techman 1,051 03/02/2012 03:19PM

Ugg Boots-a brand new Trend Movement

mepopedg 1,424 02/28/2012 09:30AM

[Intensive Agriculture] Taiwan to Stage Key Annual Orchid Fair

techman 809 02/27/2012 06:23PM

[Medicine] NTU Resolved Key Mechanism Maintaining Cell Energy Balance – Also the Key to Cellular Aging and Unregulated Growth

techman 3,859 02/26/2012 11:01AM

[Interdisciplinary] Innovative Breakthrough for Long-Distance Medical Care: NTU Cross-Boundary Medical Team Successfully Invented the Virus Sensor for Children’s Medical Care

techman 798 02/25/2012 06:58PM

[Medicine] National Yang-Ming University Identified Critical Protein Holding Over Neurodegeneration

techman 885 02/25/2012 05:17PM

[Ocean] USDDC Reformed to Meet Emerging Ocean Industries

techman 1,104 02/25/2012 11:01AM

[Agriculture] COA Urges Consumers to Purchase Free-range Eggs

techman 1,284 02/24/2012 08:35PM

[Medicine] Pterostilbene Found Effective to Chemosensitivity; NCKU Researchers Prove Nicotine Hinders Bladder Cancer Chemotherapy

techman 1,056 02/24/2012 07:29PM

[International Participation] German Scholars Awarded Tsungming Tu Award for Science

techman 721 02/23/2012 05:21PM

[Medicine] Taiwan, U.S. Approve Trials of Locally Developed Diabetes Drug

techman 786 02/23/2012 02:43PM

[International Cooperation] NCHU Inaugurates Taiwan-U.S. Research Center on Plant and Food Biotechnology

techman 935 02/23/2012 01:44PM

[Report of Honor] Academia Sinica Academician Chao-Han LIU Elected as a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Engineering

techman 973 02/23/2012 01:26PM