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Message: Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp 2009/12/17

Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 09, 2009 01:23AM

Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp 2009/12/17
<b>Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp</b>
<b>Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00PM</b>
<b>Place嚗踵祥憭批飛蝛嗅之璅脣飛箇蝛嗅恕 </b>

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~ckeng/imgs/Gimello.jpg height=250>
<a href=http://eastasian.nd.edu/directory/Robert-Gimello/index.shtml><b>Robert M. Gimello</b></a> (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu&#39;s Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~ckeng/imgs/Kuijp.jpg height=250>
<a href=http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~sa<a href=http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~sanskrit/faculty.html><b>Leonard W.J. van :

er Kuijp</b></a> (Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmission of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 03, 2009 11:40PM

Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp 2009/12/17
<b>Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp</b>
<b>Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00PM</b>
<b>Place嚗踵祥憭批飛蝛嗅之璅脣飛箇蝛嗅恕 </b>

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~ckeng/imgs/Gimello.jpg height=250>
rectory/Robert-Gimello/index.shtml>ectory/Robert-Gimello/in </a> html><b>Robert M. Gimello</b></a> (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu&#39;s Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~ref=http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~sanskrit/faculty.html>as.harvard.edu/~sa<a href=http:// </a> as.harvard.edu/~sanskrit/faculty.html><b>Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp</b></a> (Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmission of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 03, 2009 10:30PM

Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp 2009/12/17
<b>Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp</b>
<b>Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00PM</b>
<b>Place嚗踵祥憭批飛蝛嗅之璅脣飛箇蝛嗅恕 </b>

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~ckeng/imgs/Gimello.jpg height=250>
ectory/Robert-Gimello/in html><b>Robert M. Gimello</b></a> (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu&#39;s Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~as.harvard.edu/~sa<a href=http:// as.harvard.edu/~sanskrit/faculty.html><b>Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp</b></a> (Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmission
<div align=right><a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/list.php?342>Back to Event 2009 List</a></div>
of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 03, 2009 10:29PM

Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp 2009/12/17
<b>Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp</b>
<b>Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00PM</b>
<b>Place嚗踵祥憭批飛蝛嗅之璅脣飛箇蝛嗅恕 </b>

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~ckeng/imgs/Gimello.jpg height=250>
ectory/Robert-Gimello/in html><b>Robert M. Gimello</b></a> (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu&#39;s Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~as.harvard.edu/~sa<a href=http:// as.harvard.edu/~sanskrit/faculty.html><b>Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp</b></a> (Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmissiopedia.com/forum/list.php?342>Back to Event 2009 List</a></div>?342>Back to Event 2009 List</a></div> of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 03, 2009 09:46PM

2009/12/17 Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp 2009/12/17
Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp
Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00PM

ectory/Robert-Gimello/in html>Robert M. Gimello (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu's Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp
(Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmissio?342>Back to Event 2009 List
of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 03, 2009 09:45PM

2009/12/17 Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van2009/12/17 der Kuijp
Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp
Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00PM

ectory/Robert-Gimello/in html>Robert M. Gimello (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu's Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp
(Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmissio?342>Back to Event 2009 List
of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 03, 2009 09:44PM

2009/12/17 Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. va 2009/12/17
Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp
Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00PM

ectory/Robert-Gimello/in html>Robert M. Gimello (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu's Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp
(Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmissio?342>Back to Event 2009 List
of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 03, 2009 09:44PM

2009/12/17 Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. va
<b>Lecturers: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp</b>
<b>Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 0505: 00PM</b>
<b>Place嚗踵祥憭批飛蝛嗅之璅脣飛箇蝛嗅恕 </b>

Robert M. Gimello (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu's Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp (Harvard University):
/~ckeng/imgs/Gimello.jpg height=250>
<b>Robert M. Gimello</b> (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu&#39;s Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

<img src=http://www3.nccu.edu.tw/~ckeng/imgs/Kuijp.jpg height=250>
<b>Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp</b> (Harvard University):
f=http:// as.harvard.edu/~sanskrit/faculty.html><b>Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp</b></a> (Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmissio?342>Back to Event 2009 List</a></div> of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: December 03, 2009 06:17PM

2009/12/17 Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. va
<b>Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp</b>
<b>嚗1217乩3暺-5暺Date嚗2009/12/17 03:00PM - 05:00 PMPM</b>
<Placece嚗踵祥憭批飛蝛嗅之璅脣飛箇蝛嗅恕 </b>

Robert M. Gimello (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu's Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp (Harvard University):
f=http:// as.harvard.edu/~sanskrit/faculty.html><b>Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp</b></a> (Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmissio?342>Back to Event 2009 List</a></div> of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."

Original Message

Author: gustav
Date: December 03, 2009 05:42PM

2009/12/17 Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. va
Lectures: Robert M. Gimello and Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp

Robert M. Gimello (University of Notre Dame)
"The Huayan Appropriation of the Vasubandhu's Dilun (Daabh贖mivykhyna)."

Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp (Harvard University):
f=http:// as.harvard.edu/~sanskrit/faculty.html>Leonard W.J. van :
er Kuijp
(Harvard University)
"On Some Problems with the Transmissio?342>Back to Event 2009 List
of the
Mahayanottaratantra/Ratnagotravibhaaga in India, China, and Tibet."