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The writing is on the wall for the Egyptians: their President Hosni Mubarak had to go. That much was clear, because Washington had finally decided to gracefully dislodgethe Egyptian autocrat from his 30-year rule overthe Arab world’s most populous country rocked byviolent protests by discontented people demanding aquick political change in Cairo. These people wanteddemocracy, which Mubarak had refused to grant.They believed they could oust Mubarak with UncleSam’s help just as Tunisia’s jasmine revolt got rid ofZine el-Abidine Ben Ali, who had to flee Tunis forexile after a 23-year reign.
The question Uncle Sam is now facing is who isgoing to replace Mubarak. It's not very difficult toanswer. All Washington needs to do is to let Egypt'sall powerful army pick another Mubarak to continuethe line of authoritarian rule started by Maj. Gen. Mohammed Naguib in 1952. Naguib was shuntedaside by Col. Gamel Abdel Nasser, who was electedpresident in 1956. Nasser did pretty well – so muchso that he was hailed at one time as a candidate forkhalifah or caliph, the successor to Mohammad, thefounder of Islam who unified the Arab nation. Well,Nasser died without realizing his dream of a newcaliphate, one starter effort being to organize theUnited Arab Republic of Egypt and Syria and a looseFederation of Arab Republics of Egypt, Syria andLibya. Anwar Sadat, a vice president who took overfrom Nasser, aligned Egypt with the United States in1972 by ordering most of the 20,000 Soviet militaryadvisers and personnel to leave. Mubarak, a vicepresident, succeeded Sadat, who was assassinated in1981. Vice President Omar Suleiman or Field MarshalMohamed Hussein Tantawi, head of the militarycouncil, may come into power.
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在å•è‚²è‘—全世界最å¤è€æ–‡æ˜Žä¹‹ä¸€çš„埃åŠï¼Œè»éšŠæ˜¯å”¯ä¸€çš„穩定力é‡ã€‚美國在ä¸æ±æ”¿æ²»ä¸Šç¸½ç®—å¸åˆ°äº†ä¸€ä»¶äº‹ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯åˆ¥å†æ›¿åŸƒåŠè»éšŠé¸å‡ºåˆä¸€å€‹ç©†å·´æ‹‰å…‹ã€‚美國替伊拉克挑出海çŠï¼ˆSaddamHussein)的接ç人,這是很糟的主æ„,而且沒有æˆåŠŸã€‚事實上,å°å¸ƒå¸Œï¼ˆGeorge W. Bushï¼‰ç¸½çµ±æ ¹æœ¬å°±ä¸æ‡‰è©²ç™¼å‹•ä¼Šæ‹‰å…‹æˆ°çˆã€‚他的父親è€å¸ƒå¸Œæ¯”較è°æ˜Žï¼Œè€å¸ƒå¸Œåœ¨ç¾Žè»è¿«è¿‘å·´æ ¼é”時下令åœæ¢ã€Œæ²™æ¼ 風暴ã€ä½œæˆ°è¨ˆç•«ï¼Œè®“æµ·çŠå¾—以繼續éµè…•çµ±æ²»ä¼Šæ‹‰å…‹ã€‚å› ç‚ºè‹¥æ²’äº†é€™åç¨è£è€…,這塊以《一åƒé›¶ä¸€å¤œã€‹è€Œèžåå…¨çƒçš„哈倫‧阿拉希德王(Caliph Harun al-Racid)的統御地將會難以駕é¦ã€‚è¦çŸ¥é“,穆罕默德éŽä¸–後,繼承的奧米亞王æœï¼ˆUmayyad)被阿拔斯王æœï¼ˆAbbasids)推翻,將首都從大馬士é©é·è‡³å·´æ ¼é”。而在埃åŠå‰å¤§å›ä¸»è–©æ‹‰ä¸ï¼ˆSaladinï¼‰çš„å¸¶é ˜ä¸‹ï¼Œé˜¿æ‹‰ä¼¯äººæ›¾ç¶“å¾æœè€¶è·¯æ’’冷,驅é€åå—è»ã€‚埃åŠã€æ•˜åˆ©äºžå’Œä¼Šæ‹‰å…‹æˆç‚ºé˜¿æ‹‰ä¼¯ä¸–界的三大權力ä¸å¿ƒï¼Œç›´åˆ°1973年石油å±æ©Ÿçˆ†ç™¼ï¼Œæ‰ä¿ƒä½¿æ²™çƒåœ°é˜¿æ‹‰ä¼¯çŽ‹åœ‹è„«ç©Žè€Œå‡ºï¼Œç‚ºä¸€å¤§å®‰å®šåŠ›é‡ã€‚
Just as eagerly as the Crusaders tried to recoverJerusalem, the Americans are attempting to extenddemocracy all over the world, to the Arab world inparticular. But their national interests have madeit necessary for the United States to grow far toocomfortable with an Arab world dominated byunmovable, abusive rulers like Hussein and Mubarak.American support for pro-Western oppressors assuresa steady flow of oil and helps keep Israel, a handiworkof President Harry S. Truman, secure in the hostileMiddle East.
美國好åƒæ€¥è‘—收復耶路撒冷的åå—è»ï¼Œè¿«åˆ‡æƒ³å°‡æ°‘主推廣至全世界,尤其是阿拉伯世界。然而,國家利益å»åˆä½¿ç¾Žåœ‹å¿…é ˆè®“æµ·çŠåŠç©†å·´æ‹‰å…‹ç‰å†·é…·ã€æ¿«æ¬Šçš„統治者å大。美國支æŒè¦ªè¥¿æ–¹çš„æš´å›ï¼Œä»¥ç¢ºä¿åŽŸæ²¹ä¾›æ‡‰ç©©å®šä¸çµ•ï¼Œä¸¦ç¢ºä¿æœé¯é–€ç¸½çµ±ä¸€æ‰‹å‚¬ç”Ÿçš„國家以色列,能在充滿敵æ„çš„ä¸æ±ç”Ÿå˜ã€‚
In fact, Israel is quite secure, because its Arabneighbors can never be really united as a nation strongenough to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean.Tribalism has precluded a strong united Arab nation.Otherwise, the Arabs, like the Chinese, could forma cohesive political as well as cultural entity. Islamunited the Arab tribes who founded the Muslim empirein Iraq which was the most powerful in the Westernworld at the beginning of the ninth century, muchmore so than Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empireand the East Roman Empire at Constantinople. Thencame slow political decadence; and then the empirehad fallen apart into separate autonomous states untilthe Ottoman Turks created their caliphate in Istanbulin the fourteenth century to begin ruling them by andlarge as such. Like the Chinese, the Arabs speak thesame language, use the same script, have the samereligion, and share the same culture. China hasn't beenBalkanized because of the scholar-officials trainedto maintain the Confucian social order and its peopleshare the same script though they speak differentdialects that are mutually unintelligible. The Arabslack such a bureaucracy.
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Tribalism also troubles all other member states ofthe Arab League. None of them can reach a strongunity of purpose to democratize themselves the waythe United States wishes they would. Ben Ali is gone,but Tunisia can't be made a democracy overnight.Mubarak stepped down, but democracy won't cometo Egypt in any foreseeable future. What the world iswitnessing is the removal and replacement of leaders,not an upgrading of the political systems that allowsomeone like Mubarak to stay in power for threedecades and then try to have his son succeed him.