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Change History

Message: 纪录片平台 - explore.org

Changed By: mimizorro
Change Date: July 19, 2009 12:14AM

纪录片平台 - explore.org
explore.org 是由美国 Annenberg Foundation 这个慈善基金会设立的多媒体网站,该基金会透过纪录片的形式串联报道了世界各地的人文风情,自然风光,文教环保人权等状况概览,和当地的NGO的工作和该基金会善款的流向

认识 Philanthropy一词的各种用法,这个网站值得一看

example: destination -- China

<object width="512" height="358"><param name="movie" value="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="512" height="358"></embed></object>

China (Documentary)
Explore went to China on a fact-finding mission led by Charles Annenberg Weingarten, a trustee of the Annenberg Foundation. During the three-week trip, the team discovered many of China's hidden gems: philosophy, art, education, and rural life. They also discovered how the country's hard-working and innovative leaders were working to solve issues of the environment, human rights, and public health.
Changed By: mimizorro
Change Date: July 18, 2009 11:44PM

纪录片平台 - explore.org
explore.org 是由美国 Annenberg Foundation 这个慈善基金会设立的多媒体网站,该基金会透过纪录片的形式串联报道了世界各地的人文风情,自然风光,文教环保人权等状况概览,和当地的NGO的工作和该基金会善款的流向

认识 Philanthropy一词的各种用法
destinations -- China

example: destination -- China

<object width="512" height="358"><param name="movie" value="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="512" height="358"></embed></object>

China (Documentary)
Explore went to China on a fact-finding mission led by Charles Annenberg Weingarten, a trustee of the Annenberg Foundation. During the three-week trip, the team discovered many of China's hidden gems: philosophy, art, education, and rural life. They also discovered how the country's hard-working and innovative leaders were working to solve issues of the environment, human rights, and public health.
Changed By: mimizorro
Change Date: July 18, 2009 11:27PM

纪录片平台 - explore.org
explore.org 是由美国 Anneberg g nenberg Foundation 这个慈善基金会设立的多媒体网站,该基金会透过纪录片的形式串联报道了世界各地的人文风情,自然风光,文教环保人权等状况概览,和当地的NGO的工作和该基金会善款的流向

认识 Philanthropy一词的各种用法
destinations -- China

example: destination -- China

<object width="512" height="358"><param name="movie" value="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="512" height="358"></embed></object>

China (Documentary)
Explore went to China on a fact-finding mission led by Charles Annenberg Weingarten, a trustee of the Annenberg Foundation. During the three-week trip, the team discovered many of China's hidden gems: philosophy, art, education, and rural life. They also discovered how the country's hard-working and innovative leaders were working to solve issues of the environment, human rights, and public health.
Changed By: mimizorro
Change Date: July 18, 2009 11:22PM

纪录片平台 - explore.org
explore.org 是由美国 Anneberg nenberg Foundation 这个慈善基金会设立的多媒体网站,该基金会透过纪录片的形式串联报道了世界各地的人文风情,自然风光,文教环保人权等状况概览,和当地的NGO的工作和该基金会善认识 Philanthropy一词的用法,这个网站值得一看

认识 Philanthropy一词的各种用法
destinations -- China

example: destination -- China

<object width="512" height="358"><param name="movie" value="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="512" height="358"></embed></object>

China (Documentary)
Explore went to China on a fact-finding mission led by Charles Annenberg Weingarten, a trustee of the Annenberg Foundation. During the three-week trip, the team discovered many of China's hidden gems: philosophy, art, education, and rural life. They also discovered how the country's hard-working and innovative leaders were working to solve issues of the environment, human rights, and public health.
Changed By: mimizorro
Change Date: July 18, 2009 11:21PM

纪录片平台 - explore.org
explore.org 是由美国 Anneberg nenberg Foundation 这个慈善基金会设立的多媒体网站,该基金会透过纪录片的形式串联报道了世界各地的人文风情,自然风光,文教环保人权等状况概览,和当地的NGO的工作和该基金(Philanthropy 的工作是这样的:-) 值得一看
会善认识 Philanthropy一词的用法,这个网站值得一看

认识 Philanthropy一词的各种用法
destinations -- China

example: destination -- China

<object width="512" height="358"><param name="movie" value="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="512" height="358"></embed></object>

China (Documentary)
Explore went to China on a fact-finding mission led by Charles Annenberg Weingarten, a trustee of the Annenberg Foundation. During the three-week trip, the team discovered many of China's hidden gems: philosophy, art, education, and rural life. They also discovered how the country's hard-working and innovative leaders were working to solve issues of the environment, human rights, and public health.
Changed By: mimizorro
Change Date: July 18, 2009 11:14PM

纪录片平台 - explore.org
explore.org 是由美国 Anneberg nenberg Foundation 这个慈善基金会设立的多媒体网站,该基金会透过纪录片的形式串联报道了世界各地的人文风情,自然风光,文教环保人权等状况概览,和当地的NGO的工作和该基(原来钱是这么花的:-) 值得一看
金(Philanthropy 的工作是这样的:-) 值得一看
会善认识 Philanthropy一词的用法,这个网站值得一看

认识 Philanthropy一词的各种用法
destinations -- China

example: destination -- China

<object width="512" height="358"><param name="movie" value="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://explore.org/explore/embedded_video/168" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="512" height="358"></embed></object>

China (Documentary)
Explore went to China on a fact-finding mission led by Charles Annenberg Weingarten, a trustee of the Annenberg Foundation. During the three-week trip, the team discovered many of China's hidden gems: philosophy, art, education, and rural life. They also discovered how the country's hard-working and innovative leaders were working to solve issues of the environment, human rights, and public health.

Original Message

作者: mimizorro
Date: July 18, 2009 11:09PM

纪录片平台 - explore.org
explore.org 是由美国 Anneberg nenberg Foundation 这个慈善基金会设立的多媒体网站,该基金会透过纪录片的形式串联报道了世界各地的人文风情,自然风光,文教环保人权等状况概览,和当地的NGO的工作和该基(原来钱是这么花的:-) 值得一看
金(Philanthropy 的工作是这样的:-) 值得一看
会善认识 Philanthropy一词的用法,这个网站值得一看

认识 Philanthropy一词的各种用法
destinations -- China

example: destination -- China

China (Documentary)
Explore went to China on a fact-finding mission led by Charles Annenberg Weingarten, a trustee of the Annenberg Foundation. During the three-week trip, the team discovered many of China's hidden gems: philosophy, art, education, and rural life. They also discovered how the country's hard-working and innovative leaders were working to solve issues of the environment, human rights, and public health.