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Message: [Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry in Four Years, Aiming at 4G Opportunities

Changed By: gustav
Change Date: September 07, 2010 11:15AM

[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry, in Four Years, Aiming at 4G Opportunities
[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry, Aiming at 4G Opportunities (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,7516>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>The Liberty Times</i> (2010/09/07) & <i>CEPD Newsletter</i> (2010/09/06) Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) passed the developmental plan for WiMAX industry, proposed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, on September 6; according to the plan, a budget of about seven billion NT dollars will be spent on WiMAX, and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) will form a joint venture (SI) with major international companies from the U.S. and Japan, advancing Taiwan's WiMAX service, especially the one on Taiwan's high-speed rail (HSR) system.
[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry in Four Years, Aiming at 4G Opportunities (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,7516>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>The Liberty Times</i> (2010/09/07) & <i>CEPD Newsletter</i> (2010/09/06) Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) passed the developmental plan for WiMAX industry, proposed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, on September 6; according to the plan, a budget of about seven billion NT dollars will be spent on WiMAX in four years, and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) will form a joint venture (SI) with major international companies from the U.S. and Japan, advancing Taiwan's WiMAX service, especially the one on Taiwan's high-speed rail (HSR) system.

According to CEPD, present 4G applications can be divided into two types: WiMAX and LTE. Because the development of WiMAX has become matured and steady, Taiwan's integration development for 4G systems will focus on WiMAX first.

CEPD points out further, the total budget according to the newly approved plan reaches about seven billion NT dollars, and it will mainly spent on improving the situation for the private enterprises' development of the 4G key products, in form of program sponsorship or subsidies for pacesetting techniques. Besides, the plan also aims at the finalization of the commercial test for the domestic base stations and the formation of a cross-countries alliance on developing WiMAX systems integration. The plan also helps with the initial introduction of WiMAX systems integration in the governmental operations.

A joint venture (SI) will be formed according to the plan, as well. ITRI will contribute the major capital and invite international partners, focusing on 4G solutions. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, WiMAX implementation on high-speed rail will be executed as an initial exercise for the joint venture. The present goal is set as making possible the smooth communications on high-speed rail, including mobile phone communication or video downloads.

CEPD emphasizes, the global WiMAX investment has reached over thirty billion US dollars (about nine hundred and sixty billion NT dollars). If Taiwan could establish a complete supply chain from upper stream to down stream, Taiwan will not only become the demonstration island of global wireless broadband communications, but also become a major WiMAX services provider in the globe.

Further Information:
<a href=http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/sep/7/today-e6.htm>The Liberty Times 2010/09/07</a> (Chinese)
<a href=http://www.cepd.gov.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0014189>CEPD Newsletter 2010/09/06</a> (Chinese)
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: September 07, 2010 11:08AM

[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry, Aiming at 4G Opportunities
[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry, Aiming at 4G Opportunities (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,7516>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>The Liberty Times</i> (2010/09/07) & <i>CEPD Newsletter</i> (2010/09/06) Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) passed the developmental plan for WiMAX industry, proposed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, on September 6; according to the plan, a budget of about seven billion NT dollars will be spent on WiMAX, and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) will form a joint venture (SI) with major international companies from the U.S. and Japan, advancing Taiwan's WiMAX service, especially the one on Taiwan's high-speed rail (HSR) system.

According to CEPD, present 4G applications can be divided into two types: WiMAX and LTE. Because the development of WiMAX has become matured and steady, Taiwan's integration development for 4G systems will focus on WiMAX first.

CEPD points out further, the total budget according to the newly approved plan reaches about seven billion NT dollars, and it will mainly spent on improving the situation for the private enterprises' development of the 4G key products, in form of program sponsorship or subsidies for pacesetting techniques. Besides, the plan also aims at the finalization of the commercial test for the domestic base stations and the formation of a cross-countries alliance on developing WiMAX systems integration. The plan also helps with the initial introduction of WiMAX systems integration in the governmental operations.

A joint venture (SI) will be formed according to the plan, as well. ITRI will contribute the major capital and invite international partners, focusing on 4G solutions. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, WiMAX implementation on high-speed rail will be executed as an initial exercise for the joint venture. The present goal is set as making possible the smooth communications on high-speed rail, including mobile phone communication or video downloads.

CEPD emphasizes, the global WiMAX investment has reached over thirty billion US dollars (about nine hundred and sixty billion NT dollars). If Taiwan could establish a complete supply chain from upper stream to down stream, Taiwan will not only become the demonstration island of global wireless broadband communications, but also become the a major WiMAX services provider.
provider in the globe.

Further Information:
<a href=http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/sep/7/today-e6.htm>The Liberty Times 2010/09/07</a> (Chinese)
<a href=http://www.cepd.gov.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0014189>CEPD Newsletter 2010/09/06</a> (Chinese)
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: September 07, 2010 11:08AM

[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry, Aiming at 4G Opportunities
[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry, Aiming at 4G Opportunities (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,7516>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>The Liberty Times</i> (2010/09/07) & <i>CEPD Newsletter</i> (2010/09/06) Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) passed the developmental plan for WiMAX industry, proposed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, on September 6; according to the plan, a budget of about seven billion NT dollars will be spent on WiMAX, and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) will form a joint venture (SI) with major international companies from the U.S. and Japan, advancing Taiwan's WiMAX service, especially the one on Taiwan's high-speed rail (HSR) system.

According to CEPD, present 4G applications can be divided into two types: WiMAX and LTE. Because the development of WiMAX has become matured and steady, Taiwan's integration development for 4G systems will focus on WiMAX first.

CEPD points out further, the total budget according to the newly approved plan reaches about seven billion NT dollars, and it will mainly spent on improving the situation for the private enterprises' development of the 4G key products, in form of program sponsorship or subsidies for pacesetting techniques. Besides, the plan also aims at the finalization of the commercial test for the domestic base stations and the formation of a cross-countries alliance on developing WiMAX systems integration. The plan also helps with the initial introduction of WiMAX systems integration in the governmental operations.

A joint venture (SI) will be formed according to the plan, as well. ITRI will contribute the major capital and invite international partners, focusing on 4G solutions. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, WiMAX implementation on high-speed rail will be executed as an initial exercise for the joint venture. The present goal is set as making possible the smooth communications on high-speed rail, including mobile phone communication or video downloads.

CEPD emphasizes, the global WiMAX investment has reached over thirty billion US dollars (about nine hundred and sixty billion NT dollars). If Taiwan could establish a complete supply chain from upper stream to down stream, Taiwan will not only become the demonstration island of global wireless broadband communications, but also become the major WiMAX services provider.

Further Information:
<a href=http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/sep/7/today-e6.htm>The Liberty Times 2010/09/07</a> (Chinese)
<a href=http://www.cepd.gov.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0014189>CEPD Newsletter 2010/09/06</a> (Chinese)

Original Message

雿: gustav
Date: September 07, 2010 11:07AM

[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry, Aiming at 4G Opportunities
[Sci-tech Policy] CEPD to Spend Seven Billion NT Dollars on WiMAX Industry, Aiming at 4G Opportunities (Chinese Version)

The Liberty Times (2010/09/07) & CEPD Newsletter (2010/09/06) Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) passed the developmental plan for WiMAX industry, proposed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, on September 6; according to the plan, a budget of about seven billion NT dollars will be spent on WiMAX, and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) will form a joint venture (SI) with major international companies from the U.S. and Japan, advancing Taiwan's WiMAX service, especially the one on Taiwan's high-speed rail (HSR) system.

According to CEPD, present 4G applications can be divided into two types: WiMAX and LTE. Because the development of WiMAX has become matured and steady, Taiwan's integration development for 4G systems will focus on WiMAX first.

CEPD points out further, the total budget according to the newly approved plan reaches about seven billion NT dollars, and it will mainly spent on improving the situation for the private enterprises' development of the 4G key products, in form of program sponsorship or subsidies for pacesetting techniques. Besides, the plan also aims at the finalization of the commercial test for the domestic base stations and the formation of a cross-countries alliance on developing WiMAX systems integration. The plan also helps with the initial introduction of WiMAX systems integration in the governmental operations.

A joint venture (SI) will be formed according to the plan, as well. ITRI will contribute the major capital and invite international partners, focusing on 4G solutions. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, WiMAX implementation on high-speed rail will be executed as an initial exercise for the joint venture. The present goal is set as making possible the smooth communications on high-speed rail, including mobile phone communication or video downloads.

CEPD emphasizes, the global WiMAX investment has reached over thirty billion US dollars (about nine hundred and sixty billion NT dollars). If Taiwan could establish a complete supply chain from upper stream to down stream, Taiwan will not only become the demonstration island of global wireless broadband communications, but also become the major WiMAX services provider.

Further Information:
The Liberty Times 2010/09/07 (Chinese)
CEPD Newsletter 2010/09/06 (Chinese)