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Message: [Wildlife Conservation] Rare Fish Species Found in Kenting

Changed By: gustav
Change Date: February 24, 2010 11:06PM

[Wildlife Conservation] Rare Fish Species Found in Kenting
[Wildlife Conservation] Rare Fish Species Found in Kenting (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,4273>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>The Liberty Times</i> & <i>BCC</i> (2010/02/24) Rare fish species Pseudechidnabrummeri (under Muraenidae) appeared in the marine resources protection demonstration area in Kenting National Park (Houbi Lake). Kenting National Park Headquarters said, this indicates the achievement of the wildlife conservation in this demonstration area.

Kenting National Park Headquarters said, Pseudechidnabrummeri is a very rare species; there exist only two records of observation, once in Lanyu (Orchid Island), the other in Maobitou, Henchun. According to Kenting National Park Headquarters, Muraenidae is regularly nocturnal. During the daytime, most species of Muraenidae would hide under the stones or in the coral cracks; they only prey at night. This time, the Pseudechidnabrummeri is found at daytime, overturning the conventional cognition.

The ichthyology expert Dr. Chengping CHEN (單迤撟) said after examining the sample that it was very surprising to find the rare Pseudechidnabrummeri in the lagoon of Houbi Lake. The director of Kenting National Park said, this discovery indicated the wildlife conservation in the demonstration area was very successful.

Further Information:
<a href=http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/liveNews/news.php?no=334545&type=%E5%8D%B3%E6%99%82%E6%96%B0%E8%81%9E>The Liberty Times 2010/02/24</a> (Chinese)
<a hre<a href=http://www.bcc.com.tw/news/newsview.asp?cde=1076618>BCC 20120/02/24</a> (Chinese)

Original Message

雿: gustav
Date: February 24, 2010 11:03PM

[Wildlife Conservation] Rare Fish Species Found in Kenting
[Wildlife Conservation] Rare Fish Species Found in Kenting (Chinese Version)

The Liberty Times & BCC (2010/02/24) Rare fish species Pseudechidnabrummeri (under Muraenidae) appeared in the marine resources protection demonstration area in Kenting National Park (Houbi Lake). Kenting National Park Headquarters said, this indicates the achievement of the wildlife conservation in this demonstration area.

Kenting National Park Headquarters said, Pseudechidnabrummeri is a very rare species; there exist only two records of observation, once in Lanyu (Orchid Island), the other in Maobitou, Henchun. According to Kenting National Park Headquarters, Muraenidae is regularly nocturnal. During the daytime, most species of Muraenidae would hide under the stones or in the coral cracks; they only prey at night. This time, the Pseudechidnabrummeri is found at daytime, overturning the conventional cognition.

The ichthyology expert Dr. Chengping CHEN (單迤撟) said after examining the sample that it was very surprising to find the rare Pseudechidnabrummeri in the lagoon of Houbi Lake. The director of Kenting National Park said, this discovery indicated the wildlife conservation in the demonstration area was very successful.

Further Information:
The Liberty Times 2010/02/24 (Chinese)
BCC 2010/02/24 (Chinese)