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Message: [Robots] University Unveils Robots for Sports, Housekeeping

Changed By: techman
Change Date: November 23, 2012 10:36PM

[Robots] University Unveils Robots for Sports, Housekeeping
[Robots] University Unveils Robots for Sports, Housekeeping (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,28011>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>Taipei Times</i> (2012/11/22) A laboratory at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has developed two human-sized robots that can engage in a variety of sports activities and help with household chores.

The robots have won International robot championship awards, and represent an advancement in domestic-designed robots for the household environment, the university said.

At a seminar at the National Science Council on November 21, the aiRobots Laboratory, led by NCKU electrical engineering professor Tzuu-hseng LI (蟡), demonstrated the abilities of the robots.

One robot walks on two legs and is capable of many sport movements (David) and the other is a household service robot (May).

LI said the most difficult part of designing David was to make it balance and move on two legs, but it has demonstrated outstanding performances in basketball, weightlifting, obstacle course, sprint and penalty-kick competitions at the Federation of International Robot-soccer Associations (FIRA) RoboWorld Cup events in recent years, even coming second last year.

Both robots are equipped with a vision and strategy system so that they can learn to recognize objects, the surrounding environment and even faces, which are viewed using a video camera, LI said.

LI said that there remain challenges ahead in designing the robots to understand Chinese, Taiwanese or Hakka, establishing regulations on the use of robots and producing robots at affordable prices for consumers.

Further Information:
<a href=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2012/11/22/2003548332>Taipei Times 2012/11/22</a>

Original Message

雿: techman
Date: November 23, 2012 10:33PM

[Robots] University Unveils Robots for Sports, Housekeeping
[Robots] University Unveils Robots for Sports, Housekeeping (Chinese Version)

Taipei Times (2012/11/22) A laboratory at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has developed two human-sized robots that can engage in a variety of sports activities and help with household chores.

The robots have won International robot championship awards, and represent an advancement in domestic-designed robots for the household environment, the university said.

At a seminar at the National Science Council on November 21, the aiRobots Laboratory, led by NCKU electrical engineering professor Tzuu-hseng LI (蟡), demonstrated the abilities of the robots.

One robot walks on two legs and is capable of many sport movements (David) and the other is a household service robot (May).

LI said the most difficult part of designing David was to make it balance and move on two legs, but it has demonstrated outstanding performances in basketball, weightlifting, obstacle course, sprint and penalty-kick competitions at the Federation of International Robot-soccer Associations (FIRA) RoboWorld Cup events in recent years, even coming second last year.

Both robots are equipped with a vision and strategy system so that they can learn to recognize objects, the surrounding environment and even faces, which are viewed using a video camera, LI said.

LI said that there remain challenges ahead in designing the robots to understand Chinese, Taiwanese or Hakka, establishing regulations on the use of robots and producing robots at affordable prices for consumers.

Further Information:
Taipei Times 2012/11/22