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Message: [Water Conservation] Taipei Recognized for Water-saving Efforts

Changed By: techman
Change Date: July 06, 2012 03:23PM

[Water Conservation] Taipei Recognized for Water-saving Efforts
[Water Conservation] Taipei Recognized for Water-saving Efforts (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,24018>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>Taiwan Today</i> & <i>CNA Focus Taiwan</i> (2012/07/04) A Taipei City household water conservation program will represent East Asia in a global competition on water management, according to the Taipei City Government July 3.

The Taipei Water Department initiative has won out in the Marketing and Communication category in the latest edition of the International Water Associations Project Innovation Awards, ousting fellow competitors in the East Asia region including Busan, Seoul and Tokyo, according to the TWD.

Since 2007, Taipei has reduced household water consumption 15 percent, from 263 liters to 224 liters per day, TWD Director Yang-lung WU said.

A total of 21 project entries were received for the Asia- Pacific Regional category of the competition. Evaluation of the entries was based on a set of criterion that included originality and innovation, as well as social, economic and sustainable design considerations, according to the IWA.

Between its start in 2007 and 2011, the household water conservation in Taipei project has lowered the average amount of water each household uses per day from 263 liters to 224 liters, city officials said.

Deputy Mayor Wei-jen CHEN accepted the award at the East Asia and Asia-Pacific Regional Awards Ceremony, held in conjunction with the July 1-5 Singapore International Water Week.

Rainfall in Taipei is not scant, with about 2,363 mm per year, but it is concentrated only in certain areas, CHEN said. The Feitsui Reservoir, a major water source for the greater Taipei area, for example, can only supply the city for four months even when the 406 million cubic-meter dam is full, he noted.

As extreme weather situations become more and more frequent,water shortages can easily occur if people do not conserve water, CHEN said.

The core concept of the project is to build public awareness of water conservation by getting people to take action in their daily lives, said Yang-lung WU, Director of the Taipei Water Department.

WU said many of the participants at a forum that took place during the event were surprised to learn that Taipei's citizens have been willing to reduce their water consumption, even though water rates in Taiwan are much lower than those in many other countries.

All the Asia-Pacific winners and honor awardees will advance together with those in Europe and West Asia, East Asia and North America regional competitions to compete for the PIA Global Grand Prize, which will be presented Sept. 19 at the IWA World Water Congress in Busan, South Korea.

Further Information:
<a href=http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_Detail.aspx?Type=aALL&ID=201207040036>CNA Focus Taiwan 2012/07/04</a>
<a href=http://www.taiwantoday.tw/ct.asp?xItem=193044&ctNode=445>Taiwan Today 2012/07/04</a>

Original Message

雿: techman
Date: July 06, 2012 03:22PM

[Water Conservation] Taipei Recognized for Water-saving Efforts
[Water Conservation] Taipei Recognized for Water-saving Efforts (Chinese Version)

Taiwan Today & CNA Focus Taiwan (2012/07/04) A Taipei City household water conservation program will represent East Asia in a global competition on water management, according to the Taipei City Government July 3.

The Taipei Water Department initiative has won out in the Marketing and Communication category in the latest edition of the International Water Associations Project Innovation Awards, ousting fellow competitors in the East Asia region including Busan, Seoul and Tokyo, according to the TWD.

Since 2007, Taipei has reduced household water consumption 15 percent, from 263 liters to 224 liters per day, TWD Director Yang-lung WU said.

A total of 21 project entries were received for the Asia- Pacific Regional category of the competition. Evaluation of the entries was based on a set of criterion that included originality and innovation, as well as social, economic and sustainable design considerations, according to the IWA.

Between its start in 2007 and 2011, the household water conservation in Taipei project has lowered the average amount of water each household uses per day from 263 liters to 224 liters, city officials said.

Deputy Mayor Wei-jen CHEN accepted the award at the East Asia and Asia-Pacific Regional Awards Ceremony, held in conjunction with the July 1-5 Singapore International Water Week.

Rainfall in Taipei is not scant, with about 2,363 mm per year, but it is concentrated only in certain areas, CHEN said. The Feitsui Reservoir, a major water source for the greater Taipei area, for example, can only supply the city for four months even when the 406 million cubic-meter dam is full, he noted.

As extreme weather situations become more and more frequent,water shortages can easily occur if people do not conserve water, CHEN said.

The core concept of the project is to build public awareness of water conservation by getting people to take action in their daily lives, said Yang-lung WU, Director of the Taipei Water Department.

WU said many of the participants at a forum that took place during the event were surprised to learn that Taipei's citizens have been willing to reduce their water consumption, even though water rates in Taiwan are much lower than those in many other countries.

All the Asia-Pacific winners and honor awardees will advance together with those in Europe and West Asia, East Asia and North America regional competitions to compete for the PIA Global Grand Prize, which will be presented Sept. 19 at the IWA World Water Congress in Busan, South Korea.

Further Information:
CNA Focus Taiwan 2012/07/04
Taiwan Today 2012/07/04