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Message: [Astronomy][International Participation] Taiwan Researchers Contribute to the First Capture of Blackhole's Swallowing a Star, Findings of Which Are Lately Published in Nature

Changed By: techman
Change Date: September 02, 2011 10:39AM

[Astronomy][International Participation] Taiwan Researchers Contribute to the First Capture of Blackhole's Swallowing a Star, Findings of Which Are Lately Published in Nature
[Astronomy][International Participation] Taiwan Researchers Contribute to the First Capture of Blackhole's Swallowing a Star, Findings of Which Are Lately Published in Nature (<a href=>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>CNA</i> (2011/09/01) & <i>udn.com</i> (2011/09/02) NASA released the findings of the first-ever capture of the process of a star's being swallowed by blackhole this March lately, and Taiwan scientists made contributions to it as well. A letter introducing the observation was published in <i>Nature (vol. 476, pp. 421424, 25 August 2011).
[Astronomy][International Participation] Taiwan Researchers Contribute to the First Capture of Blackhole's Swallowing a Star, Findings of Which Are Lately Published in Nature (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,15496>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>CNA</i> (2011/09/01) & <i>udn.com</i> (2011/09/02) NASA released the findings of the first-ever capture of the process of a star's being swallowed by blackhole this March lately, and Taiwan scientists made contributions to it as well. A letter introducing the observation was published in <i>Nature</i> (vol. 476, pp. 421424, 25 August 2011).

NASA's satellite Swift observed a star swallowed by blackhole this March, which was named after the satellite and its coordinate position Swift J164449.3+573451 (Swift J1644+57). A team led by Professor David BURROWS, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Pennsylvania State University, studied Swift J1644+57's jet activity and the findings were published in <i>Nature</i>.

The two scientists from Taiwan in this team are a married couple Associate Professor Yuji URATA, Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, and Academia Sinica's Postdoctoral Fellow Li-Jin HUANG. They take parts in East Asia GRB Follow-up Network (EAFON) which combines the research resources in Taiwan, China, Japan, etc. to observe the gamma ray bursts together. Via the network, they contribute detailed data of Swift J1644+57's ground visible light and infrared light to BURROWS's team and get listed in the authors of the <i>Nature</i> letter.

Li-jin HUANG says, this is the first-ever observation in human's history, and it is quite lucky. URATA thinks, this capture will shed more light on the process of the growth of blackhole.

Related website:
<a href=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v476/n7361/full/nature10374.html>http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v476/n7361/full/nature10374.html</a>

Further Information:
<a href=http://www2.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pNewsID=201109010307&pType0=aEDU&pTypeSel=0>CNA 2011/09/01</a> (Chinese)
<a href=http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT5/6565612.shtml>Udn.com 2011/09/02</a> (Chinese)

Original Message

雿: techman
Date: September 02, 2011 10:38AM

[Astronomy][International Participation] Taiwan Researchers Contribute to the First Capture of Blackhole's Swallowing a Star, Findings of Which Are Lately Published in Nature
[Astronomy][International Participation] Taiwan Researchers Contribute to the First Capture of Blackhole's Swallowing a Star, Findings of Which Are Lately Published in Nature (Chinese Version)

CNA (2011/09/01) & udn.com (2011/09/02) NASA released the findings of the first-ever capture of the process of a star's being swallowed by blackhole this March lately, and Taiwan scientists made contributions to it as well. A letter introducing the observation was published in Nature (vol. 476, pp. 421424, 25 August 2011).

NASA's satellite Swift observed a star swallowed by blackhole this March, which was named after the satellite and its coordinate position Swift J164449.3+573451 (Swift J1644+57). A team led by Professor David BURROWS, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Pennsylvania State University, studied Swift J1644+57's jet activity and the findings were published in Nature.

The two scientists from Taiwan in this team are a married couple Associate Professor Yuji URATA, Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, and Academia Sinica's Postdoctoral Fellow Li-Jin HUANG. They take parts in East Asia GRB Follow-up Network (EAFON) which combines the research resources in Taiwan, China, Japan, etc. to observe the gamma ray bursts together. Via the network, they contribute detailed data of Swift J1644+57's ground visible light and infrared light to BURROWS's team and get listed in the authors of the Nature letter.

Li-jin HUANG says, this is the first-ever observation in human's history, and it is quite lucky. URATA thinks, this capture will shed more light on the process of the growth of blackhole.

Related website:

Further Information:
CNA 2011/09/01 (Chinese)
Udn.com 2011/09/02 (Chinese)