[Energy Policy][Green Energy] Taiwan Has Globally Top Five Density of Solar Power Collection Coverage (
Chinese Version)
China Times E-paper (2011/04/21) &
Bureau of Energy News (2011/04/19) According to the statistics by the end of March by Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the gross area of the subsidized solar water heater has reached 2,058,000 m
2, and the prevalence rate is 6.7%. Considering the solar power coverage in proportion to the country's land area, Taiwan's density of solar water heating system penetration takes the highest fifth in the world.
Bureau of Energy points out, the total output of the solar water heating systems in Taiwan is the reduction of 163,000 KL oil equivalent per year, namely, a reduction of 535 barrels of 20 kg gas cylinder; besides, 391000 tons of CO
2 emission is also reduced.
Bureau of Energy expects that the coverage of solar power systems will continue to grow. 125,000 m
2 is estimated to be added and an extra output value of 1.62 billion NT dollars is expected.
For the information about the application of the subsidy for solar water heating system and the relevant regulations, please refer to the website of Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs (url:
www.moeaboe.gov.tw (Chinese), under the item of Applications, or make a phone call to NCKU Research and Development Foundation, +886-6-3300691); for the information about the additional subsidy from Yunlin County Government, please refer to the government's website (url:
www4.yunlin.gov.tw/economic (Chinese), under the item of Announcement, or make a phone call to +886-5-5522207).
Bureau of Energy News 2011/04/19 (Chinese)
China Times E-paper 2011/04/21 (Chinese)