[Creativity][Robot] PMC's Robots Won Gold and Silver Medal in International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2011 (
Chinese Version)
China Times E-paper (2011/04/12),
PTS (2011/04/11) &
udn.com (2011/04/09) Precision Machinery Research & Development Center (PMC), founded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, just won a gold medal and a silver medal in the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2011 for the outstanding performance and creativity of their robots. The gold medal robot, Robii, is the globally first robot equipped with an interactive screen and educational functions. The silver medal robot can dance follow the music it hears.
Robbi is the first robot equipped with interactive projection screen. It is designed for the pre-school children. The robot can give repetitive teachings and balance training. The original inspiration of the invention comes from the need of the disabled childredn. The monkey-shaped interactive robot can become a good companion and patient teacher for them.
Now the tutor robot has entered the stage of mass production. The more than one hundred facial expressions of the robot are made possible with the combination of 170 LED lights. The robot can begin a talk and also can respond to the talks of the children. The embedded micro-projection touch panel screen allows the children to command the robot without the need of keyboard.
The silver medal robot, Upitor-s, is only 17 cm high, and can dance following the tempo of the music it hears.
Taiwan has made another history in this year's International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 6 special awards, 42 gold medals, 34 silver medals and 5 bronze medals, showing Taiwan's creative power.
Further Information:
China Times E-paper 2011/04/12 (Chinese)
PTS 2011/04/11 (Chinese)
Udn.com 2011/04/09 (Chinese)