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Message: [Academics] Intel and NTU Jointly Established Research Center to Explore Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication Technology

Changed By: techman
Change Date: February 21, 2011 11:16AM

[Academics] Intel and NTU Jointly Established Research Center to Explore Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication Technology
[Academics] Intel and NTU Jointly Established Research Center to Explore Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication Technology (<a href=http://mepopedia.com/forum/read.php?127,10762>Chinese Version</a>)

<i>NTU Spotlight</i> & <i>NTU Newsletter</i> (Issue 1037) The worlds top semiconductor company Intel worked closely with National Taiwan University (Taiwans No.1 university) and officially established a research center on machine to machine (M2M) communication technology on January 26th. Intel will invest dozens of researchers, while NTU, on its part, will input its faculty members, plus nearly 80 master level and doctoral students, and hire foreign expert researchers to participate in the centers research team. It is estimated that the NTU research team will reach one hundred people, and the center will spend five to ten years to explore machine to machine communication technology that our future will be confronted with.

On the first day reunion after the Chinese New Year vacation, NTU President Si-Chen LEE gave his address and said, the researchers' task is not only to produce papers, but also to confront social problems and all the problems occurring to human civilization. He said, international cooperation is one of the school's major strategies and now the world's top semiconductor company Intel is going to establish a research center on machine to machine (M2M) communication technology with NTU College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; besides, M2M technology is expected to highly benefit the common demands in an era of preventive medicine, and reasonably the combination of the medicine development and the M2M technology can be the school's major aims.

President LEE said, international cooperation is the major strategy in the stage of school's development from the world's top 100 university to the world's to 50 university. Recently, the world's biggest semi-conductor company Intel and NTU College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science had co-established a research center, and consequently Intel will send dozen of researchers to participate in the school's internal research and development. The speciality of the cooperation between NTU and Intel is that both aims at contributing technology which allows intelligent communications between machines, with which the heavy demand from the emerging complicacy of the M2M signal communications in the forth coming world can be answered.

Besides, President LEE also said, NTU College of Medicine is now under negotiation with the world's top cancer research center MD Anderson for the cooperation of establishing a cancer research center in NTU. The aims of this cooperation project is not only set at resolving some specific problems, but at the problems relating to the sustaining of human society. Similarly, the rest not-yet established two of the ten research centers which were planned to establish in the second stage of the school's Aim for Top Universities program, one for climate changes and sustainability and one for health sciences and intelligent life, also carry with the purpose of resolving social problems. NTU will continue the endeavor to complete the plan.

As for the international cooperation, besides of the co-establishment of research centers with international expertises, NTU also tried to create cooperations between organizations; for instance, a negotiation with MIT for across-organizations cooperation is happening. After the coming into effect of the three acts relating to the students from Mainland China, NTU had formed an alliance with Peking University; in the second stage of the Aim for Top Universities program, the cooperations between NTU and Peking University or Tsinghua University, Mainland China, will also be facilitated.

Further Information:
<a href=http://www.ntu.edu.tw/english/spotlight/spotlight.html>NTU Spotlight</a>
<a href=ttp://host.cc.ntu.edu.tw/sec/schinfo/schinfo_asp/ShowContent.asp?num=1037&sn=10065>NTU Newsletter Issue 1037</a> (Chinese)

Original Message

雿: techman
Date: February 21, 2011 11:14AM

[Academics] Intel and NTU Jointly Established Research Center to Explore Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication Technology
[Academics] Intel and NTU Jointly Established Research Center to Explore Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication Technology (Chinese Version)

NTU Spotlight & NTU Newsletter (Issue 1037) The worlds top semiconductor company Intel worked closely with National Taiwan University (Taiwans No.1 university) and officially established a research center on machine to machine (M2M) communication technology on January 26th. Intel will invest dozens of researchers, while NTU, on its part, will input its faculty members, plus nearly 80 master level and doctoral students, and hire foreign expert researchers to participate in the centers research team. It is estimated that the NTU research team will reach one hundred people, and the center will spend five to ten years to explore machine to machine communication technology that our future will be confronted with.

On the first day reunion after the Chinese New Year vacation, NTU President Si-Chen LEE gave his address and said, the researchers' task is not only to produce papers, but also to confront social problems and all the problems occurring to human civilization. He said, international cooperation is one of the school's major strategies and now the world's top semiconductor company Intel is going to establish a research center on machine to machine (M2M) communication technology with NTU College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; besides, M2M technology is expected to highly benefit the common demands in an era of preventive medicine, and reasonably the combination of the medicine development and the M2M technology can be the school's major aims.

President LEE said, international cooperation is the major strategy in the stage of school's development from the world's top 100 university to the world's to 50 university. Recently, the world's biggest semi-conductor company Intel and NTU College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science had co-established a research center, and consequently Intel will send dozen of researchers to participate in the school's internal research and development. The speciality of the cooperation between NTU and Intel is that both aims at contributing technology which allows intelligent communications between machines, with which the heavy demand from the emerging complicacy of the M2M signal communications in the forth coming world can be answered.

Besides, President LEE also said, NTU College of Medicine is now under negotiation with the world's top cancer research center MD Anderson for the cooperation of establishing a cancer research center in NTU. The aims of this cooperation project is not only set at resolving some specific problems, but at the problems relating to the sustaining of human society. Similarly, the rest not-yet established two of the ten research centers which were planned to establish in the second stage of the school's Aim for Top Universities program, one for climate changes and sustainability and one for health sciences and intelligent life, also carry with the purpose of resolving social problems. NTU will continue the endeavor to complete the plan.

As for the international cooperation, besides of the co-establishment of research centers with international expertises, NTU also tried to create cooperations between organizations; for instance, a negotiation with MIT for across-organizations cooperation is happening. After the coming into effect of the three acts relating to the students from Mainland China, NTU had formed an alliance with Peking University; in the second stage of the Aim for Top Universities program, the cooperations between NTU and Peking University or Tsinghua University, Mainland China, will also be facilitated.

Further Information:
NTU Spotlight
NTU Newsletter Issue 1037 (Chinese)