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Message: [電腦資訊] 國研院國網中心研發團隊以其æˆå°±èˆ‡è²¢ç»æ¦®ç²è¡Œæ”¿é™¢2008年傑出科技貢ç»çŽ

Changed By: gustav
Change Date: April 29, 2009 02:23PM

[電腦資訊] 國研院國網中心 DRBL & Clonezilla 研國研院國網中心研發團隊以其æˆå°±èˆ‡è²¢ç»æ¦®ç²è¡Œæ”¿é™¢2008年傑出科技貢ç»çŽ
[電腦資訊] 國研院國網中心 DRBL & Clonezilla 研發團隊以其æˆå°±èˆ‡è²¢ç»æ¦®ç²è¡Œæ”¿é™¢2008年傑出科技貢ç»çŽ

ä¼éµé¾ï¼ˆDRBL)與å†ç”Ÿé¾ï¼ˆClonezilla),是國研院國網中心 DRBL 研發團隊é‹ç”¨é«˜é€Ÿè¨ˆç®—的技術與經驗所打造的兩套軟體,近幾年在全çƒè´å¾—ä¸å°‘掌è²ã€‚今年,å†åº¦ä»¥å‰µæ–°å’Œç¤¾æœƒè²¢ç»æ¦®ç²ã€Œè¡Œæ”¿é™¢2008年傑出科技貢ç»çŽã€çš„肯定。

ä¼éµé¾ï¼ˆDRBL),全文是 Diskless Remote Boot in Linux,讓使用者é€éŽç¶²è·¯é€£æŽ¥ï¼Œä¸éœ€ç¡¬ç¢Ÿä¹Ÿèƒ½æˆåŠŸé–‹æ©Ÿï¼›ç”±æ–¼æ‰€æœ‰çš„檔案ã€è¨­å®šèˆ‡æœå‹™éƒ½é›†ä¸­åœ¨ä¼ºæœå™¨ï¼Œåªè¦è¼•é¬†ä¸‹å€‹æŒ‡ä»¤ï¼Œä¾¿èƒ½å¿«é€Ÿå°‡å¤§æ‰¹é›»è…¦è½‰æ›æˆè‡ªç”±è»Ÿé«”的作業環境。å†ç”Ÿé¾Clonezilla,則是å¦ä¸€å€‹å‚™ä»½ã€é‚„原快手,é©ç”¨æ–¼å®Œæ•´ç³»çµ±å‚™ä»½ã€è£¸æ©Ÿé‚„原或ç½é›£å¾©åŽŸï¼Œå¯ä»¥å¿«é€Ÿå®‰è£æ‰€éœ€çš„作業系統ã€è»Ÿé«”ã€æˆ–備份資料。

該團隊將其創新研究æˆæžœä»¥è‡ªç”±è»Ÿé«”模å¼ç™¼è¡Œï¼Œå°åœ‹éš›æ™ºè²¡æˆæžœåˆ†äº«æ¥µå…·å…¬ç›Šç¤ºç¯„作用。此外,其快速ã€ä¾¿æ·ã€çœæˆæœ¬çš„設計與å‹å–„的多國語言版本(中文ã€è‹±æ–‡ã€æ—¥æ–‡ã€æ³•æ–‡ã€è¥¿ç­ç‰™æ–‡ã€ç¾©å¤§åˆ©æ–‡ï¼‰ï¼Œå¸å¼•å…¨çƒé«˜é”70è¬äººæ¬¡ä¸‹è¼‰ä½¿ç”¨ï¼Œå°¤å…¶è‡ªç”±è»Ÿé«”å¯è¤‡è£½åˆ†äº«çš„特質,ä¸åƒ…嘉惠高速計算之相關技術領域,ä¼æ¥­ã€ä¸­å°å­¸ç­‰æ•™å­¸é ˜åŸŸéƒ½æˆäº†å—惠者,å°å…¨çƒè³‡è¨Šæ•™è‚²èˆ‡ç¸®æ¸›æ•¸ä½è½å·®è²¢ç»å“越。這兩套軟體為人所津津樂é“的多國語言版本,正是這些國家的使使用者因為太想推薦給自己國家的其他使用者嘗試,於是自發性地將語言檔製作完æˆï¼Œä¸¦åˆ†äº«çµ¦ DRBL 團隊套用在系統中,最後å†å°‡å®Œæˆç‰ˆæœ¬é–‹æ”¾çµ¦æ‰€æœ‰è©²èªžç³»çš„使用者自由下載é‹ç”¨ã€‚這股åƒèˆ‡çš„氣勢越滾越大,全çƒä½¿ç”¨è€…儼然æˆäº†é¦–席顧å•ï¼Œå…­åœ‹èªžè¨€ç‰ˆæœ¬æ–¼ç„‰èª•ç”Ÿ!

國家實驗研究院電å­å ±2009/04/10
DRBL&Clonezilla 官方網站

[Computer & Information] National Applied Research Labotaries' Teams DRBL & Clonezilla Receive the 2008 Award for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology' by the Executive Yuan

DRBL and Clonezilla are two software of the research team DRBL in the National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC), National Applied Research Laboratories, NARL , Researcher Steven SHIAU, leader of NCHC’s Open Source software development team, and the team won the 2008 Award for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology for the DRBL/Clonezilla software his team developed by means of high-performance computing techniques. Before the award, the team has already won its international reputation-- over seven hundred thousand times download.

DRBL, i.e., Diskless Remote Boot in Linux, enables the user to boot via internet without having to be in possession of a hard-disk; also, because all the files, settings and services are centralized and stored in the servers, the user is then only required to give commands so that a great amount of computers can be modified into a free-software environment in a very short time period. Clonezilla, on the other hand, is a quick handy backup & recovery software, which can be applied to complete system back-ups, bare-metal recovery or catastrophe recovery. It can help with quick installation of the interested operational systems, software or backup data.

The team delivers its innovative research results in the fashion of free-software model, which makes itself a fine exemplary for the non-profit, intellectual property conduct. Besides, its speedy, convenient, low-cost and multilingual (Chinese, English, Japanese, French, Spanish and Italian) design draws a great international attention, i.e., seven hundred thousand times download. As a free-software, it is specifically easy to share and distribute, which not only brings a great deal of benefit to the relevant industries and educational institutes but also to the global information education and the reduction of digital drop. Especially worth mentioning is the multilingual versions are created by volunteers all over the world. The users in the world feel the convenience of the software, and, out of a wish to introduce the software to his or her own country, translate the original copy and contribute the translations to DRBL so that DRBL can include them to the original system. All the users perform as consultants, which quite meet the air of web 2.0.

Further Information:
NARL Newsletter 2009/04/10
DRBL&Clonezilla official site

Original Message

作者: gustav
Date: April 26, 2009 11:36AM

[電腦資訊] 國研院國網中心 DRBL & Clonezilla 研國研院國網中心研發團隊以其æˆå°±èˆ‡è²¢ç»æ¦®ç²è¡Œæ”¿é™¢2008年傑出科技貢ç»çŽ
[電腦資訊] 國研院國網中心 DRBL & Clonezilla 研發團隊以其æˆå°±èˆ‡è²¢ç»æ¦®ç²è¡Œæ”¿é™¢2008年傑出科技貢ç»çŽ

ä¼éµé¾ï¼ˆDRBL)與å†ç”Ÿé¾ï¼ˆClonezilla),是國研院國網中心 DRBL 研發團隊é‹ç”¨é«˜é€Ÿè¨ˆç®—的技術與經驗所打造的兩套軟體,近幾年在全çƒè´å¾—ä¸å°‘掌è²ã€‚今年,å†åº¦ä»¥å‰µæ–°å’Œç¤¾æœƒè²¢ç»æ¦®ç²ã€Œè¡Œæ”¿é™¢2008年傑出科技貢ç»çŽã€çš„肯定。

ä¼éµé¾ï¼ˆDRBL),全文是 Diskless Remote Boot in Linux,讓使用者é€éŽç¶²è·¯é€£æŽ¥ï¼Œä¸éœ€ç¡¬ç¢Ÿä¹Ÿèƒ½æˆåŠŸé–‹æ©Ÿï¼›ç”±æ–¼æ‰€æœ‰çš„檔案ã€è¨­å®šèˆ‡æœå‹™éƒ½é›†ä¸­åœ¨ä¼ºæœå™¨ï¼Œåªè¦è¼•é¬†ä¸‹å€‹æŒ‡ä»¤ï¼Œä¾¿èƒ½å¿«é€Ÿå°‡å¤§æ‰¹é›»è…¦è½‰æ›æˆè‡ªç”±è»Ÿé«”的作業環境。å†ç”Ÿé¾Clonezilla,則是å¦ä¸€å€‹å‚™ä»½ã€é‚„原快手,é©ç”¨æ–¼å®Œæ•´ç³»çµ±å‚™ä»½ã€è£¸æ©Ÿé‚„原或ç½é›£å¾©åŽŸï¼Œå¯ä»¥å¿«é€Ÿå®‰è£æ‰€éœ€çš„作業系統ã€è»Ÿé«”ã€æˆ–備份資料。

該團隊將其創新研究æˆæžœä»¥è‡ªç”±è»Ÿé«”模å¼ç™¼è¡Œï¼Œå°åœ‹éš›æ™ºè²¡æˆæžœåˆ†äº«æ¥µå…·å…¬ç›Šç¤ºç¯„作用。此外,其快速ã€ä¾¿æ·ã€çœæˆæœ¬çš„設計與å‹å–„的多國語言版本(中文ã€è‹±æ–‡ã€æ—¥æ–‡ã€æ³•æ–‡ã€è¥¿ç­ç‰™æ–‡ã€ç¾©å¤§åˆ©æ–‡ï¼‰ï¼Œå¸å¼•å…¨çƒé«˜é”70è¬äººæ¬¡ä¸‹è¼‰ä½¿ç”¨ï¼Œå°¤å…¶è‡ªç”±è»Ÿé«”å¯è¤‡è£½åˆ†äº«çš„特質,ä¸åƒ…嘉惠高速計算之相關技術領域,ä¼æ¥­ã€ä¸­å°å­¸ç­‰æ•™å­¸é ˜åŸŸéƒ½æˆäº†å—惠者,å°å…¨çƒè³‡è¨Šæ•™è‚²èˆ‡ç¸®æ¸›æ•¸ä½è½å·®è²¢ç»å“越。這兩套軟體為人所津津樂é“的多國語言版本,正是這些國家的使使用者因為太想推薦給自己國家的其他使用者嘗試,於是自發性地將語言檔製作完æˆï¼Œä¸¦åˆ†äº«çµ¦ DRBL 團隊套用在系統中,最後å†å°‡å®Œæˆç‰ˆæœ¬é–‹æ”¾çµ¦æ‰€æœ‰è©²èªžç³»çš„使用者自由下載é‹ç”¨ã€‚這股åƒèˆ‡çš„氣勢越滾越大,全çƒä½¿ç”¨è€…儼然æˆäº†é¦–席顧å•ï¼Œå…­åœ‹èªžè¨€ç‰ˆæœ¬æ–¼ç„‰èª•ç”Ÿ!

國家實驗研究院電å­å ±2009/04/10
DRBL&Clonezilla 官方網站

[Computer & Information] National Applied Research Labotaries' Teams DRBL & Clonezilla Receive the 2008 Award for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology' by the Executive Yuan

DRBL and Clonezilla are two software of the research team DRBL in the National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC), National Applied Research Laboratories, NARL , Researcher Steven SHIAU, leader of NCHC’s Open Source software development team, and the team won the 2008 Award for Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology for the DRBL/Clonezilla software his team developed by means of high-performance computing techniques. Before the award, the team has already won its international reputation-- over seven hundred thousand times download.

DRBL, i.e., Diskless Remote Boot in Linux, enables the user to boot via internet without having to be in possession of a hard-disk; also, because all the files, settings and services are centralized and stored in the servers, the user is then only required to give commands so that a great amount of computers can be modified into a free-software environment in a very short time period. Clonezilla, on the other hand, is a quick handy backup & recovery software, which can be applied to complete system back-ups, bare-metal recovery or catastrophe recovery. It can help with quick installation of the interested operational systems, software or backup data.

The team delivers its innovative research results in the fashion of free-software model, which makes itself a fine exemplary for the non-profit, intellectual property conduct. Besides, its speedy, convenient, low-cost and multilingual (Chinese, English, Japanese, French, Spanish and Italian) design draws a great international attention, i.e., seven hundred thousand times download. As a free-software, it is specifically easy to share and distribute, which not only brings a great deal of benefit to the relevant industries and educational institutes but also to the global information education and the reduction of digital drop. Especially worth mentioning is the multilingual versions are created by volunteers all over the world. The users in the world feel the convenience of the software, and, out of a wish to introduce the software to his or her own country, translate the original copy and contribute the translations to DRBL so that DRBL can include them to the original system. All the users perform as consultants, which quite meet the air of web 2.0.

Further Information:
NARL Newsletter 2009/04/10
DRBL&Clonezilla official site