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Message: [生醫科技] æˆå¤§ç ”發家用乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®

Changed By: gustav
Change Date: April 11, 2009 11:03AM

[生醫科技] æˆå¤§ç ”發家用乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®
[生醫科技] æˆå¤§ç ”發家用乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®

國立æˆåŠŸå¤§å­¸ç ”發團隊研發一種åªæœ‰æ‰‹æ©Ÿå¤§å°çš„「近紅外線乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®(Near Infra-Red Breast Cancer Early Detection and Warning Device)ã€ï¼Œåˆ©ç”¨èƒ½ç©¿é€äººé«”組織而波長約 650-1050 奈米之紅外線光æºï¼Œé€éŽäººé¡žçš®è†šï¼Œå¯åµæ¸¬åˆ°äººé«”組織內å¯èƒ½çš„癌細胞,目å‰å·²å®Œæˆäººé«”模擬測試,待臨床測試之後å¯æœ›é‡ç”¢ï¼Œé€ ç¦å…¨ä¸–界人類ï¼è©²è£ç½®ä¸éœ€ä¾µå…¥äººé«”ã€ç°¡æ˜“æ“作ã€åƒ¹æ ¼ä½Žå»‰ä¸”具高功能,é è¨ˆæˆæœ¬æ˜¯ä¸æœƒæ¯”iPhone高,女性在家甚至穿著衣æœä¹Ÿèƒ½è‡ªæˆ‘檢查ï¼

由於癌細胞消耗氧氣的速率與正常細胞ä¸åŒï¼Œæ‰€å‘ˆç¾çš„å¸æ”¶æ•£å°„ç¾è±¡ä¹Ÿç•°æ–¼æ­£å¸¸ç´°èƒžï¼Œæ ¹æ“šé€™ç¨®ç‰¹æ€§ï¼Œæˆå¤§åœ˜éšŠç ”發的「近紅外線乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®ã€ç”±å…·æœ‰ä¸ƒç¨®ä¸åŒæ³¢é•·çš„近紅外線光æºå…ƒä»¶æ‰“出光æºåˆ°äººé«”組織ã€å†ä»¥å…‰åµæ¸¬å™¨æŽ¥æ”¶æ•£å°„回來的訊號ã€ä½¿ç”¨è¨Šè™Ÿæ“´å¤§å™¨å°‡å¾®å¼±çš„人體訊號放大ã€å†é€²å…¥æ•¸å€¼ä¿æŒå…ƒä»¶å»¶é•·è¨Šè™Ÿåœç•™æ™‚間以供處ç†ã€æŽ¥ä¸‹ä¾†ä»¥è¨Šè™ŸéŽæ¿¾å…ƒä»¶æ¿¾æŽ‰ç„¡é—œçš„雜訊ã€å†é€²å…¥å–®æ™¶ç‰‡ä»¥æ•¸ä½æ–¹å¼è¨ˆç®—訊號ã€å…¶çµæžœä»¥æ¶²æ™¶é¢æ¿å‘ˆç¾ã€ä¸¦èƒ½å„²å­˜åœ¨è¨˜æ†¶å¡ä¸­ï¼Œæ供醫生åšç‚ºè¨ºæ–·çš„ä¾æ“šã€‚


<a href=http://news.secr.ncku.edu.tw/files/14-1054-50902,r81-1.php>æˆå¤§æ ¡åœ’æ–°èž 2009/04/10</a>

[Biomedical] NCKU Invents Mini Cancer Earlier Detection Device for Home Use

An NCKU research team develops a cellphone-sized Near Infra-Red Breast Cancer Early Detection and Warning Device, which can detect cancer cells by means of 650- to 1050- nanometer infra-rays. Now the experiments on human body have been completed; hopefully the device can go through clinical examinations and get ready for mass production in the near future. The device is non-intrusive, user friendly, low-cost (perhaps lower than iPhone) and effective. The users can easily conduct the self-detection without having to go out to a hospital or even undress at all.

Because the speed rate of oxygen consumption in cancer cells is different from the ordinary cells, the differnce of light absorption and scattering features can be observed as indication to tell cancer cells from ordninary cells. Based on this remark, the NCKU research team develops the Near Infra-Red Breast Cancer Early Detection and Warning Device. The device has a light source which can project infra-rays in seven different wavelengths into human body tissue and a sensor detecting the reflection. By means of the signal amplifier embedded, the responded signals of human body information are magnified for further purification in the filter and the digital analysis in an SoC. The analysis result can be shown with an LCD panel and recorded in a memory card, which is easy for diagnosis.

This technique can be applied to the detection of oxygen density in the brain and blood suger as well. If the sensitivity of the device can be refined, more deep pathological changes could be detected with it.
, more deep pathological changes could be detected with it.
is different from the ordinary cells, the difference of light absorption and scattering features can be observed as indication to tell cancer cells from ordinary cells. Based on this remark, the NCKU research team develops the Near Infra-Red Breast Cancer Early Detection and Warning Device. The device has a light source which can project infra-rays in seven different wavelengths into human body tissue and a sensor detecting the reflection. By means of the signal amplifier embedded, the responded signals of human body information are magnified for further purification in the filter and the digital analysis in an SoC. The analysis result can be shown with an LCD panel and recorded in a memory card, which is easy for diagnosis.

This technique can be applied to the detection of oxygen density in the brain and blood sugar as well. If the sensitivity of the device can be refined, more deep pathological changes could be detected with it.

Futher Information:
<a href=http://news.secr.ncku.edu.tw/files/14-1054-50902,r81-1.php>NCKU Campus News 2009/04/10</a> (in Chinese)
<a href=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2009/04/11/2003440801>Taipei Times 2009/04/11</a>

Original Message

作者: gustav
Date: April 11, 2009 10:55AM

[生醫科技] æˆå¤§ç ”發家用乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®
[生醫科技] æˆå¤§ç ”發家用乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®

國立æˆåŠŸå¤§å­¸ç ”發團隊研發一種åªæœ‰æ‰‹æ©Ÿå¤§å°çš„「近紅外線乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®(Near Infra-Red Breast Cancer Early Detection and Warning Device)ã€ï¼Œåˆ©ç”¨èƒ½ç©¿é€äººé«”組織而波長約 650-1050 奈米之紅外線光æºï¼Œé€éŽäººé¡žçš®è†šï¼Œå¯åµæ¸¬åˆ°äººé«”組織內å¯èƒ½çš„癌細胞,目å‰å·²å®Œæˆäººé«”模擬測試,待臨床測試之後å¯æœ›é‡ç”¢ï¼Œé€ ç¦å…¨ä¸–界人類ï¼è©²è£ç½®ä¸éœ€ä¾µå…¥äººé«”ã€ç°¡æ˜“æ“作ã€åƒ¹æ ¼ä½Žå»‰ä¸”具高功能,é è¨ˆæˆæœ¬æ˜¯ä¸æœƒæ¯”iPhone高,女性在家甚至穿著衣æœä¹Ÿèƒ½è‡ªæˆ‘檢查ï¼

由於癌細胞消耗氧氣的速率與正常細胞ä¸åŒï¼Œæ‰€å‘ˆç¾çš„å¸æ”¶æ•£å°„ç¾è±¡ä¹Ÿç•°æ–¼æ­£å¸¸ç´°èƒžï¼Œæ ¹æ“šé€™ç¨®ç‰¹æ€§ï¼Œæˆå¤§åœ˜éšŠç ”發的「近紅外線乳癌早期åµæ¸¬è£ç½®ã€ç”±å…·æœ‰ä¸ƒç¨®ä¸åŒæ³¢é•·çš„近紅外線光æºå…ƒä»¶æ‰“出光æºåˆ°äººé«”組織ã€å†ä»¥å…‰åµæ¸¬å™¨æŽ¥æ”¶æ•£å°„回來的訊號ã€ä½¿ç”¨è¨Šè™Ÿæ“´å¤§å™¨å°‡å¾®å¼±çš„人體訊號放大ã€å†é€²å…¥æ•¸å€¼ä¿æŒå…ƒä»¶å»¶é•·è¨Šè™Ÿåœç•™æ™‚間以供處ç†ã€æŽ¥ä¸‹ä¾†ä»¥è¨Šè™ŸéŽæ¿¾å…ƒä»¶æ¿¾æŽ‰ç„¡é—œçš„雜訊ã€å†é€²å…¥å–®æ™¶ç‰‡ä»¥æ•¸ä½æ–¹å¼è¨ˆç®—訊號ã€å…¶çµæžœä»¥æ¶²æ™¶é¢æ¿å‘ˆç¾ã€ä¸¦èƒ½å„²å­˜åœ¨è¨˜æ†¶å¡ä¸­ï¼Œæ供醫生åšç‚ºè¨ºæ–·çš„ä¾æ“šã€‚


æˆå¤§æ ¡åœ’æ–°èž 2009/04/10

[Biomedical] NCKU Invents Mini Cancer Earlier Detection Device for Home Use

An NCKU research team develops a cellphone-sized Near Infra-Red Breast Cancer Early Detection and Warning Device, which can detect cancer cells by means of 650- to 1050- nanometer infra-rays. Now the experiments on human body have been completed; hopefully the device can go through clinical examinations and get ready for mass production in the near future. The device is non-intrusive, user friendly, low-cost (perhaps lower than iPhone) and effective. The users can easily conduct the self-detection without having to go out to a hospital or even undress at all.

Because the speed rate of oxygen consumption in cancer cells is different from the ordinary cells, the differnce of light absorption and scattering features can be observed as indication to tell cancer cells from ordninary cells. Based on this remark, the NCKU research team develops the Near Infra-Red Breast Cancer Early Detection and Warning Device. The device has a light source which can project infra-rays in seven different wavelengths into human body tissue and a sensor detecting the reflection. By means of the signal amplifier embedded, the responded signals of human body information are magnified for further purification in the filter and the digital analysis in an SoC. The analysis result can be shown with an LCD panel and recorded in a memory card, which is easy for diagnosis.

This technique can be applied to the detection of oxygen density in the brain and blood suger as well. If the sensitivity of the device can be refined, more deep pathological changes could be detected with it.
is different from the ordinary cells, the difference of light absorption and scattering features can be observed as indication to tell cancer cells from ordinary cells. Based on this remark, the NCKU research team develops the Near Infra-Red Breast Cancer Early Detection and Warning Device. The device has a light source which can project infra-rays in seven different wavelengths into human body tissue and a sensor detecting the reflection. By means of the signal amplifier embedded, the responded signals of human body information are magnified for further purification in the filter and the digital analysis in an SoC. The analysis result can be shown with an LCD panel and recorded in a memory card, which is easy for diagnosis.

This technique can be applied to the detection of oxygen density in the brain and blood sugar as well. If the sensitivity of the device can be refined, more deep pathological changes could be detected with it.

Futher Information:
NCKU Campus News 2009/04/10 (in Chinese)
Taipei Times 2009/04/11