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Message: [科技應用] 國科會支æŒç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç ”發 讓未來生活更便利

Changed By: gustav
Change Date: March 06, 2009 08:29AM

[科技應用] 國科會支æŒç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç ”發 讓未來生活更便利
[科技應用] 國科會支æŒç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç ”發 讓未來生活更便利


專案計畫辦公室主任呂學士表示,在 2012年之å‰ï¼Œç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬ç¶²è·¯å°‡æœƒæ˜¯ä¸€åƒ¹å€¼å…­å„„美金的產業,å°ç£æ“有æˆç†Ÿå…ˆé€²çš„晶片設計技術,將在這個產業趨勢æ¡æœ‰å„ªå‹¢å…ˆæ©Ÿã€‚呂學士說:「我們有強å‹çš„晶片設計技術,也有好的應用發展團隊,我們所需è¦çš„åªæ˜¯ä¸€å€‹æºé€šå¹³å°ï¼Œå¥½è®“無線感測晶片å¯è¢«ç¶²è·¯åŒ–。ã€è€Œé€™æ¨£çš„一個需求正逢國科會的計畫而滿足。目å‰æ˜¯è¨ˆç•«åŸ·è¡Œçš„第三年,些許æˆæžœå·²ç¶“展露,包括探勘建築物的çµæ§‹ç©©å®šæ€§ä»¥åŠåœ°éœ‡ç­‰è‡ªç„¶ç¾è±¡çš„數ä½ç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ï¼Œé‚„有å¯ç„¡ç·šç›£æŽ§ç—…患或è€äººç”Ÿå‘½ç‹€æ…‹çš„醫療追蹤系統。

<a href=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2009/03/05/2003437586>Taipei Times 2009/03/05</a> (英文)
<a href=http://www.wsnc.ntu.edu.tw/>無線感測網路中心</a>

[Applied Tech] Research Teams Supported by NSC Develop Wireless Sensor Network

Eight groups of scientists, sponsored by the National Science Council under its Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technology Research and Development Program, were responsible for the development of WSN applications in areas including home appliances, medical devices and safety detectors for public construction projects.

Coordination office director Lu Hsueh-shi (呂學士) said WSN could be a US$600 million industry by 2012, adding that, with mature and advanced chip design technology, Taiwan was at an advantage in this forthcoming industrial trend. “We have strong chip design technologies as well as good application development teams. What we need is a systematic communication platform so that all wireless sensor chips can be networked,†Lu said, and such a need seems to be provided by the NSC program. It's the third year of the project and some achievements have been shown including digital and wireless detectors used to monitor the structural integrity of buildings and phenomena like earthquakes, adding that one team had developed a medical tracking system that allows the bio-stats of sick or elderly people to be monitored wirelessly.

Further Information:
<a href=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2009/03/05/2003437586>Taipei Times 2009/03/05</a>
<a href=http://www.wsnc.ntu.edu.tw/>WSN Center Info</a>
<a href=http://www.wsnc.ntu.edu.tw/demo.php>WSNC Demo</a>
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: March 05, 2009 10:05PM

[科技應用] 國科會支æŒç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç ”發 讓未來生活更便利
[科技應用] 國科會支æŒç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç ”發 讓未來生活更便利

在國家科學委員會「無線感測器網路技術計畫辦公室ã€æ”¯æŒä¸‹ï¼Œæœ‰å…«çµ„研究團隊分別負責研發無é™æ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç¶²è·¯åœ¨åœ‹å®¶ç§‘學委員會「無線感測器網路技術計畫辦公室ã€æ”¯æŒä¸‹ï¼Œæœ‰å…«çµ„研究團專案計畫辦公室主任呂學士表示,在 2012年之å‰ï¼Œç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬ç¶²è·¯å°‡æœƒæ˜¯ä¸€åƒ¹å€¼å…­å„„美金的產業,å°ç£æ“有æˆç†Ÿå…ˆé€²çš„晶片設計技術,將在這個產業趨勢æ¡æœ‰å„ªå‹¢å…ˆæ©Ÿã€‚呂學士說:「我們有強å‹çš„晶片設計技術,也有好的應用發展團隊,我們所需è¦çš„åªæ˜¯ä¸€å€‹æºé€šå¹³å°ï¼Œå¥½è®“無線感測晶片å¯è¢«ç¶²è·¯åŒ–。ã€è€Œé€™æ¨£çš„一個需求正逢國科會的計畫所滿足。目å‰æ˜¯è¨ˆç•«åŸ·è¡Œçš„第三年,些許æˆæžœå·²ç¶“展露,包括探勘建築物的çµæ§‹ç©©å®šæ€§ä»¥åŠåœ°éœ‡ç­‰è‡ªç„¶ç¾è±¡çš„數ä½ç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ï¼ŒéšŠåˆ†åˆ¥è² è²¬ç ”發無線感測器網路技術的發展與應用,範åœæ¶µè“‹å®¶åº­è¨­å‚™ã€é†«ç™‚儀器以åŠå…¬å…±å®‰å…¨å»ºè¨­ç­‰ã€‚

專案計畫辦公室主任呂學士表示,在 2012年之å‰ï¼Œç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬ç¶²è·¯å°‡æœƒæ˜¯ä¸€åƒ¹å€¼å…­å„„美金的產業,å°ç£æ“有æˆç†Ÿå…ˆé€²çš„晶片設計技術,將在這個產業趨勢æ¡æœ‰å„ªå‹¢å…ˆæ©Ÿã€‚呂學士說:「我們有強å‹çš„晶片設計技術,也有好的應用發展團隊,我們所需è¦çš„åªæ˜¯ä¸€å€‹æºé€šå¹³å°ï¼Œå¥½è®“無線感測晶片å¯è¢«ç¶²è·¯åŒ–。ã€è€Œé€™æ¨£çš„一個需求正逢國科會的計畫而滿足。目å‰æ˜¯è¨ˆç•«åŸ·è¡Œçš„第三年,些許æˆæžœå·²ç¶“展露,包括探勘建築物的çµæ§‹ç©©å®šæ€§ä»¥åŠåœ°éœ‡ç­‰è‡ªç„¶ç¾è±¡çš„數ä½ç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ï¼Œé‚„有å¯ç„¡ç·šç›£æŽ§ç—…患或è€äººç”Ÿå‘½ç‹€æ…‹çš„醫療追蹤系統。

<a href=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2009/03/05/2003437586>Taipei Times 2009/03/05</a> (英文)
<a href=http://www.wsnc.ntu.edu.tw/>無線感測網路中心</a>

[Applied Tech] Research Teams Supported by NSC Develop Wireless Sensor Network

Eight groups of scientists, sponsored by the National Science Council under its Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technology Research and Development Program, were responsible for the development of WSN applications in areas including home appliances, medical devices and safety detectors for public construction projects.

Coordination office director Lu Hsueh-shi (呂學士) said WSN could be a US$600 million industry by 2012, adding that, with mature and advanced chip design technology, Taiwan was at an advantage in this forthcoming industrial trend. “We have strong chip design technologies as well as good application development teams. What we need is a systematic communication platform so that all wireless sensor chips can be networked,†Lu said, and such a need seems to be provided by the NSC program. It's the third year of the project and some achievements have been shown including digital and wireless detectors used to monitor the structural integrity of buildings and phenomena like earthquakes, adding that one team had developed a medical tracking system that allows the bio-stats of sick or elderly people to be monitored wirelessly.

Further Information:
<a href=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2009/03/05/2003437586>Taipei Times 2009/03/05</a>
<a href=http://www.wsnc.ntu.edu.tw/>WSN Center Info</a>
<a href=http://www.wsnc.ntu.edu.tw/demo.php>WSNC Demo</a>

Original Message

作者: gustav
Date: March 05, 2009 10:04PM

[科技應用] 國科會支æŒç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç ”發 讓未來生活更便利
[科技應用] 國科會支æŒç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç ”發 讓未來生活更便利

在國家科學委員會「無線感測器網路技術計畫辦公室ã€æ”¯æŒä¸‹ï¼Œæœ‰å…«çµ„研究團隊分別負責研發無é™æ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ç¶²è·¯åœ¨åœ‹å®¶ç§‘學委員會「無線感測器網路技術計畫辦公室ã€æ”¯æŒä¸‹ï¼Œæœ‰å…«çµ„研究團專案計畫辦公室主任呂學士表示,在 2012年之å‰ï¼Œç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬ç¶²è·¯å°‡æœƒæ˜¯ä¸€åƒ¹å€¼å…­å„„美金的產業,å°ç£æ“有æˆç†Ÿå…ˆé€²çš„晶片設計技術,將在這個產業趨勢æ¡æœ‰å„ªå‹¢å…ˆæ©Ÿã€‚呂學士說:「我們有強å‹çš„晶片設計技術,也有好的應用發展團隊,我們所需è¦çš„åªæ˜¯ä¸€å€‹æºé€šå¹³å°ï¼Œå¥½è®“無線感測晶片å¯è¢«ç¶²è·¯åŒ–。ã€è€Œé€™æ¨£çš„一個需求正逢國科會的計畫所滿足。目å‰æ˜¯è¨ˆç•«åŸ·è¡Œçš„第三年,些許æˆæžœå·²ç¶“展露,包括探勘建築物的çµæ§‹ç©©å®šæ€§ä»¥åŠåœ°éœ‡ç­‰è‡ªç„¶ç¾è±¡çš„數ä½ç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ï¼ŒéšŠåˆ†åˆ¥è² è²¬ç ”發無線感測器網路技術的發展與應用,範åœæ¶µè“‹å®¶åº­è¨­å‚™ã€é†«ç™‚儀器以åŠå…¬å…±å®‰å…¨å»ºè¨­ç­‰ã€‚

專案計畫辦公室主任呂學士表示,在 2012年之å‰ï¼Œç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬ç¶²è·¯å°‡æœƒæ˜¯ä¸€åƒ¹å€¼å…­å„„美金的產業,å°ç£æ“有æˆç†Ÿå…ˆé€²çš„晶片設計技術,將在這個產業趨勢æ¡æœ‰å„ªå‹¢å…ˆæ©Ÿã€‚呂學士說:「我們有強å‹çš„晶片設計技術,也有好的應用發展團隊,我們所需è¦çš„åªæ˜¯ä¸€å€‹æºé€šå¹³å°ï¼Œå¥½è®“無線感測晶片å¯è¢«ç¶²è·¯åŒ–。ã€è€Œé€™æ¨£çš„一個需求正逢國科會的計畫而滿足。目å‰æ˜¯è¨ˆç•«åŸ·è¡Œçš„第三年,些許æˆæžœå·²ç¶“展露,包括探勘建築物的çµæ§‹ç©©å®šæ€§ä»¥åŠåœ°éœ‡ç­‰è‡ªç„¶ç¾è±¡çš„數ä½ç„¡ç·šæ„Ÿæ¸¬å™¨ï¼Œé‚„有å¯ç„¡ç·šç›£æŽ§ç—…患或è€äººç”Ÿå‘½ç‹€æ…‹çš„醫療追蹤系統。

Taipei Times 2009/03/05 (英文)

[Applied Tech] Research Teams Supported by NSC Develop Wireless Sensor Network

Eight groups of scientists, sponsored by the National Science Council under its Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technology Research and Development Program, were responsible for the development of WSN applications in areas including home appliances, medical devices and safety detectors for public construction projects.

Coordination office director Lu Hsueh-shi (呂學士) said WSN could be a US$600 million industry by 2012, adding that, with mature and advanced chip design technology, Taiwan was at an advantage in this forthcoming industrial trend. “We have strong chip design technologies as well as good application development teams. What we need is a systematic communication platform so that all wireless sensor chips can be networked,†Lu said, and such a need seems to be provided by the NSC program. It's the third year of the project and some achievements have been shown including digital and wireless detectors used to monitor the structural integrity of buildings and phenomena like earthquakes, adding that one team had developed a medical tracking system that allows the bio-stats of sick or elderly people to be monitored wirelessly.

Further Information:
Taipei Times 2009/03/05
WSN Center Info