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Message: [生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊

Changed By: mepoadm
Change Date: January 22, 2009 11:51PM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!

Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting tribes, hunters of boars are respected as heros, while hunters of bears are concerned as losers. However, after the traffic condition separating tribes from cities gets improved and the assimilation of the Han culture gets deepened, bear-commerce, which rarely happened before, becomes more common.

Black bears and cloudeds are the kings of mountains. There exist little natural enemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in </>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 18, 2009 01:24AM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!

Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though d cloudeds are bes,idea kings rs wildlife conservmountains. There exist little natural enemies. The environment depred as lobecomes more promoted, sershunting activities are affigovernment legislatmain causon for wildlife conservation as well, of ratingeffectsurvival difficulty. Traditional tabootheeem to be weaker than martly conserving he Hwisdom in bears uncovers how peneaboriginal culturetransition of humanities-socio-economic conditions haes momselves.
impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 16, 2009 12:22AM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!

F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 16, 2009 12:21AM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
<a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!

F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 16, 2009 12:07AM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
<a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2 Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan clouds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!

F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 15, 2009 11:52PM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
<a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2 Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan clouds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.
0 <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting tr09/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!e al
F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 15, 2009 11:46PM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
<a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2 Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan clouds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.
0 <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting tr09/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!e
F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears ca5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)<i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
n result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 15, 2009 11:34PM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白
布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
<a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2 Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan clouds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.
0 <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting tr09/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!e
F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears ca5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)<i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.netn result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 15, 2009 11:32PM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œ å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白
斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
<a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2 Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan clouds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.
0 <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting tr09/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!e
F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears ca5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)<i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.netn result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 15, 2009 11:31PM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


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布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白
斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•ä»¤æ”¿ç­–管æŸï¼Œæ•ˆæžœä»ä¸åŠåŽŸæ°‘自身文化中的智慧。
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
<a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2 Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan clouds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.
0 <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting tr09/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> English </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> English </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)<i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!e
F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears ca5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)<i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.netn result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net
Changed By: gustav
Change Date: January 15, 2009 11:30PM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


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布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白
斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€è‡ªç”±æ™‚å ± 2008/08/31</a>
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所</a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²</a>
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
<a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>中央社 2 Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan clouds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.
0 <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting tr09/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> English </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> English </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€è‡ªç”±æ™‚å ± 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i>第四
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)<i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!e
F <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears ca5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)<i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.netn result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

<a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B8%83%E8%BE%B2%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Bunun</a> people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%AD%AF%E5%87%B1%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Rukai </a> and <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8E%92%E7%81%A3%E6%97%8Fâ€>Paiwan</a> people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In <a href:“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%AA%E9%AD%AF%E9%96%A3%E6%97%8F&variant=zh-twâ€>Taroko (Truku)</a> legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/chinese/index.htmâ€>Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology</a> <a href:“http://wildmic.npust.edu.tw/iwc/english/index.htmâ€> (English) </a>
2. <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/Chinese/index.aspâ€>Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site</a> <a href:“http://tve.npust.edu.tw:8080/project/meibear/English/index.aspâ€> (English) </a>
3. <a href:“http://www.cna.com.tw/ShowNews/Detail.aspx?pSearchDate=&pNewsID=200901130037&pType0=READTIME&pType1=&pTypeSel=0â€>CNA-News 2009/01/13</a>
4. <a href:“http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080831/78/153jz.htmlâ€>自由時報 2008/08/31</a>
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <i5. Hwang, Mei-hsiuï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in <>第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)</i>. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

Original Message

作者: gustav
Date: January 15, 2009 11:29PM

[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊
[生態ä¿è‚²] 原ä½æ°‘打熊ç¦å¿Œ ä¿è­·å°ç£é»‘熊


å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œ å°ç£é›²è±¹ä»¥åŠå°ç£é»‘熊éŽåŽ»åŒæ˜¯å°ç£é«˜å±±éœ¸ä¸»ï¼Œä½†ç¾ä»Šå°ç£é«˜å±±å»å·²æ‰¾ä¸åˆ°é›²è±¹è¹¤è·¡ï¼Œå€’是å°ç£é»‘熊ä¾èˆŠç¨±éœ¸é«˜å±±ã€‚æ“šå±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所追蹤研究,竟與原ä½æ°‘的神話與傳統ç¦å¿Œæœ‰é—œã€‚

布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白
斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。 布農æ—稱黑熊為「阿å¤æ›¼ã€æˆ–是「都曼ã€ï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯é­”鬼的æ„æ€ï¼Œè¬ä¸€çµäººçš„陷阱ä¸å°å¿ƒæ•ç²é»‘熊,必須在山中,å³ä¾¿ä¿è‚²æ„識日漸普åŠä»¥åŠæ”¿åºœä»¥æ³•4.
蓋間工寮,用ç«ç‡’烤黑熊,而çµäººä¹Ÿä¸èƒ½é‡å›žéƒ¨è½ï¼Œå¿…須等到å°ç±³æ”¶æˆå¾Œæ‰å¯è¿”回。魯凱æ—和排ç£æ—,雖然å¯ä»¥çµæ®ºå°ç£é»‘熊,但是必須付出代價,承擔å¤è€çš„詛咒,在魯凱æ—裡,çµé»‘熊會引來疾病的報應,且黑熊肉é™æ–¼ç‰¹å®šäººæ‰èƒ½åƒï¼Œå°å­©æ˜¯ä¸€å¾‹ä¸å‡†åƒçš„。在太魯閣æ—傳說中,å°ç£é»‘熊是æ—人所敬ç•çš„「森林之王ã€ï¼Œç‰ èƒ¸å‰çš„白斑代表「月亮ã€ï¼Œä¸å¯ä»¥éš¨ä¾¿çµæ®ºï¼Œçµæ®ºé»‘熊後果是家æ—會發生ä¸å¹¸ã€‚ä¸ç®¡å“ªå€‹æ—群,çµåˆ°å±±è±¬çš„çµäººæ™®é會被當æˆè‹±é›„,çµåˆ°é»‘熊的çµäººå‰‡æœƒè¢«é„™è¦–。倒是隨著時代進步,原鄉與平地交通便利化,而原民文化é€æ¼¸å—漢人文化影響,原本ä¸æœƒæœ‰çš„熊體買賣日漸頻ç¹ã€‚


å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²ç ”究所
2. å°ç£é»‘熊研究ä¿è‚²ç¶²
3.[Wildlife Concervation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears
中央社 2 Formosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan clouds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.
Bunun people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. Rukai and Paiwan people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In Taroko (Truku) legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting tr09/01/13
4. 自由時報 2008/08/31
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†ã€‚野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。
5. 黃美秀。2003。尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘1. Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology English
2. Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site English
3. CNA-News 2009/01/13
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in 第四4.
自由時報 2008/08/31
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in 第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference). 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net熊的鑰匙:人熊關係。第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集。野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會。é 87-104。

å±æ±ç§‘技大學野生動物ä¿è‚²æ‰€é»ƒç¾Žç§€ï¼š bear1000@ms25.hinet.net

[Wildlife Conservation] Aboriginal Taboo Protects Formosan Black Bears

Taiwan aboriginal taboos against bear hunting are found to be successful conservation techniques for Formosan black bears!e
F Bunun people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which means the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. Rukai and Paiwan people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears ca5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in 第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會ï¥æ–‡é›†(Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference). 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.netn result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In Taroko (Truku) legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among these hunting triormosan cloudeds and Formosan black bears used to reign over Taiwanese mountains equally, but we can find no trace of Formosan cloudeds any more in the mountains nowadays. However, Formosan black bears' reign still go on. According to the research of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, this has to Bunun people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage do with the myths and traditional taboos of Taiwanese aborigines.

Bunun people call black bears “Aguman†or “Duman†which mean the devil. If a hunter's traps accidentally get a bear, he has to build a cottage in the mountains and burn up the body of the bear there. He has also to stay in the cottage alone away from the village until the harvest of millet gets passed. Rukai and Paiwan people are allowed to hunt bears, but the hunters have to pay the price of carrying the ancient curse in return. Rukai people believe hunting bears can result in diseases. Also not every one is allowed to eat bear meat, especially the children are strongly forbidden. In Taroko (Truku) legends, Formosan black bears are respectful “kings of the forest†whose white mark on chest represents the moon. They also believe that killing black bears result in family disasters. In general among thEven though bes,idea rs wildlife conserv as lobecomes more promoted, sersaffigovernment legislaton for wildlife conservation as well, ratingeffecttheeem to be weaker than he Hwisdom in peneaboriginal culturees momselves.
nemies. The environment depredation and hunting activities are the main causes of their survival difficulty. Traditional taboos smartly conserving the bears uncovers how the transition of humanities-socio-economic conditions has the impacts on the complex correlation between human and nature, which is worth some reflection.

Further Information:
1. Institute of Wildlife Conservation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (English)
2. Conservation and Research of Formosan Bears Site (English)
3. CNA-News 2009/01/13
4. 自由時報 2008/08/31
5. Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2003). “尋找ä¿è‚²å°ç£é»‘熊的鑰匙:人熊關係 (Finding the Key for Conserving Formosan Black Bears),†in 第四次野生動物研究與調查方法研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the 4th Research and Investigation Method for Wildlife Conference)
. 野生動物ä¿è­·åŸºé‡‘會(Wildlife Conservation Fund). Pp 87-104.

Contact Information:
Mei-hsiu Hwang, NPUST-IWC: bear1000@ms25.hinet.net