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Message: [神經科學][跨領域] 外國知名學者訪台交流 暢談神經科學發展狀況

Changed By: mepoadm
Change Date: January 19, 2009 03:22AM

[神經科學][跨領域] 外國知名學者訪台交流 暢談神經科學發展狀況

Original Message

作者: gustav
Date: January 08, 2009 02:57PM

[神經科學][跨領域] 外國知名學者訪台交流 暢談神經科學發展狀況
外國知名學者訪台交流 暢談神經科學發展狀況

台灣基因體醫學國家型計畫ELSI研究中心邀請白宮生命倫理委員會顧問Patricia 灣基因體醫學國家型計畫ELSI研究中心邀請白宮生命倫理委員會顧問Patricia Churchland、杜克大學哲學與神經生物學講座教授Owen Flanag5日下午在政治大學同台與學校師生座談、於隔日在國家科學委員會同台演講,由中央研究院院士暨語言所特聘研究員、陽明大學神經科學研究所教授曾志朗院士擔任演講會主持人an和牛津大學神經倫理研究中心主任Neil Levy訪台交流,於2009年1月 5日

1. 台灣ELSI研究中心
2. 台灣基因體醫學國家型計畫
3. 政治大學校園新聞 2009/01/03

Three Internationally Prominent Scholars Visit Taiwan and Introduce the Present Status of Neuroscience

ELSI in Taiwan invites three internationally prominent scholars to Taiwan for interflow: Professor Owen Flanagan (James B. Duke Chair, Professor of Philosophy, Duke University, Joint appointments in the Departments of Neurobiology and Psychology), Professor Patricia Churchland (Member of the US President's Council on Bioethics, UC Presidential Chair in Philosophy, MacArthur Foundation Research Fellow Genius Award Winner), and Professor Neil Levy (Director of Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics). They give various speeches and hold a conference together in National Chengchi Universiry on 5th-Jan, 2009, meeting and having dialogues with scholars and students. The next day three of them give speeches together in a conference held in National Science Council and chaired by Academician Ovid J. L. Tzeng, who is a respected psychologist and recognized for his achievement in cognitive neuropsychology, particularly his extensive analysis of cognition and memory system. Both of the two conferences are well participated, and there are a lot of discussions regarding neuroscience and its impact on society, morality and philosophy.

台灣ELSI研究中心 http://elsi.nccu.edu.tw/
台灣基因體醫學國家型計畫 http://nrpgm.sinica.edu.tw/index_tw.php
政治大學校園新聞 http://www.nccu.edu.tw/news/detail.php?news_id=788