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Message: Re: 社會價值 銀行家遠遜清潔工:銀行家賺一塊錢,社會損失7塊錢 清潔工賺一塊錢,創造10塊錢價值

Changed By: HP
Change Date: December 16, 2009 12:18AM

Re: 社會價值 銀行家遠遜清潔工:銀行家賺一塊錢,社會損失7塊錢 清潔工賺一塊錢,創造10塊錢價值

我還沒看研究附檔。先附上有關 Research Method 的部分,不過好像也不是講得很清楚。

<b>Appendix 1 – General note on method</b>

This research has been inspired by a methodology that was developed to account for value, called Social Return on Investment (SROI)<sup>1</sup>.

SROI is a method for measuring and evaluating the consequences that follow from the work of people and organisations. This is value not only in the conventional economic sense, but also in environmental and social terms – taking environmental degradation into account, for example, or changes in the well-being of individuals.

SROI aims to capture as wide a range of outcomes as possible. By aggregating the value of all of these changes, it is possible to compare their magnitude to the size of the investment. The end result is an SROI ratio, which tells us how much social value is created for each pound invested. This is the measure of how effective the work is in creating beneficial changes for everyone involved.

The case studies presented in this report did not involve full SROI analyses of the jobs featured. Instead they were informed by SROI techniques and principles. The principles were used and adapted in the following way:

* We took a multi-stakeholder approach, looking quite widely at the groups affected by the activities described. Because of time and resource limitations, we did not talk to those stakeholders ourselves. Instead we relied on existing data.
* Our analysis was based on outcomes from activities – both positive and negative. These were the things that we valued.
* We valued the outcomes that mattered most – the things that emerged from the research as having the most impact.
* We only included things that were material. These analyses are partial, and we were not aiming for exact findings. However, we are confident that we have included the most material outcomes.
* We have been transparent in how we have approached the calculations, so that the reader can follow our logic. A detailed description of each is available in Appendix 2.

As mentioned, there has been an attempt to include both positive and negative outcomes in this research. However, with the low paid jobs it was not clear to us that there were negative, material consequences. In addition, as there were no discernible wider positive impacts from the accountants’ work, we have only included a value to them of receiving their salary.

1 See Cabinet Office guide for more details at http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/third1 See Cabinet Office guide for more details at

Original Message

作者: HP
Date: December 16, 2009 12:14AM

Re: 社會價值 銀行家遠遜清潔工:銀行家賺一塊錢,社會損失7塊錢 清潔工賺一塊錢,創造10塊錢價值

我還沒看研究附檔。先附上有關 Research Method 的部分,不過好像也不是講得很清楚。

Appendix 1 – General note on method

This research has been inspired by a methodology that was developed to account for value, called Social Return on Investment (SROI)1.

SROI is a method for measuring and evaluating the consequences that follow from the work of people and organisations. This is value not only in the conventional economic sense, but also in environmental and social terms – taking environmental degradation into account, for example, or changes in the well-being of individuals.

SROI aims to capture as wide a range of outcomes as possible. By aggregating the value of all of these changes, it is possible to compare their magnitude to the size of the investment. The end result is an SROI ratio, which tells us how much social value is created for each pound invested. This is the measure of how effective the work is in creating beneficial changes for everyone involved.

The case studies presented in this report did not involve full SROI analyses of the jobs featured. Instead they were informed by SROI techniques and principles. The principles were used and adapted in the following way:

* We took a multi-stakeholder approach, looking quite widely at the groups affected by the activities described. Because of time and resource limitations, we did not talk to those stakeholders ourselves. Instead we relied on existing data.
* Our analysis was based on outcomes from activities – both positive and negative. These were the things that we valued.
* We valued the outcomes that mattered most – the things that emerged from the research as having the most impact.
* We only included things that were material. These analyses are partial, and we were not aiming for exact findings. However, we are confident that we have included the most material outcomes.
* We have been transparent in how we have approached the calculations, so that the reader can follow our logic. A detailed description of each is available in Appendix 2.

As mentioned, there has been an attempt to include both positive and negative outcomes in this research. However, with the low paid jobs it was not clear to us that there were negative, material consequences. In addition, as there were no discernible wider positive impacts from the accountants’ work, we have only included a value to them of receiving their salary.

1 See Cabinet Office guide for more details at http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/third1 See Cabinet Office guide for more details at