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Message: 三言两语聊电影 --- Slumdog Millionaire & 洋葱

Changed By: mimizorro
Change Date: February 26, 2009 07:20AM

三言两语聊电影 --- Slumdog Millionaire & 洋葱
maya = illusion
composed of
kosha = sheath


1. Anandamaya Kosha: pure bliss -- encompassing atman, the soul

2. Vijnanamaya Kosha: higher knowledge -- to be felt in the flash of intuition, the spark of genius

3. Manomaya Kosha: mind -- including intellect, memories, concepts and reasoning

4. Pranamaya Kosha: vital energy -- activating the body, motivating the mind

5. Annamaya Kosha: food -- supporting the physical body

Slumdog Millionaire 一片用一个quiz show的装置清晰的解剖了一颗洋葱,着重彰显了洋葱第二层的运作方式

Changed By: mimizorro
Change Date: February 26, 2009 07:06AM

三言两语聊电影 --- Slumdog Millionaire & 洋葱
maya = illusion
kosha = sheath


1. Anandamaya Kosha: pure bliss -- encompassing atman, the soul

2. Vijnanamaya Kosha: higher knowledge -- to be felt in the flash of genius, uition, anamaya Kosha: higher knowledge -- to be felt in the flash of intuition, the spark of genius

3. Manomaya Kosha: mind -- including intellect, memories, concepts and reasoning

4. Pranamaya Kosha: vital energy -- activating the body, motivating the mind

5. Annamaya Kosha: food -- supporting the physical body

Slumdog Millionaire 一片用一个quiz show的装置清晰的解剖了一颗洋葱,着重彰显了洋葱第二层的运作方式


Original Message

作者: mimizorro
Date: February 26, 2009 06:43AM

三言两语聊电影 --- Slumdog Millionaire & 洋葱
maya = illusion
kosha = sheath


1. Anandamaya Kosha: pure bliss -- encompassing atman, the soul

2. Vijnanamaya Kosha: higher knowledge -- to be felt in the flash of genius, anamaya Kosha: higher knowledge -- to be felt in the flash of intuition, the spark of genius

3. Manomaya Kosha: mind -- including intellect, memories, concepts and reasoning

4. Pranamaya Kosha: vital energy -- activating the body, motivating the mind

5. Annamaya Kosha: food -- supporting the physical body

Slumdog Millionaire 一片用一个quiz show的装置清晰的解剖了一颗洋葱,着重彰显了洋葱第二层的运作方式
